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<br />3200 Hopyard Road Redevelopment – Transportation Assessment <br />January 2, 2024 <br />23 <br /> <br />A significant impact occurs if a proposed project conflicts with applicable or adopted policies, plans, <br />or programs related to bicycle facilities or otherwise decreases the performance or safety of bicycle <br />facilities. The proposed Project would not result in any such conflicts; therefore, the impact on bicycle facilities is expected to be less-than-significant. <br />TRANSIT IMPACTS <br />The City of Pleasanton is serviced by multiple public transportation agencies. These include Wheels Pleasanton Rides (door-to-door bus service for seniors), Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), and Altamont Commuter Express (ACE). <br />Fixed-route scheduled bus service in the Tri-Valley area is provided by Wheels. There are numerous <br />bus stops within close proximity to the proposed project site, including two on South Valley Trails Drive (immediately to the southwest of the site) and two on Hopyard Road (one next to Chabad of the Tri-Valley and one in front of Ken Mercer Sports Park). These stops are serviced by: <br />• Route 8 (connecting the East Dublin/Pleasanton BART station to Downtown Pleasanton via <br />Hopyard and Valley); <br />• Route 54 (connecting the Pleasanton Station with the East Dublin/Pleasanton BART station via <br />the Hacienda Business Parks); <br />• School Route 602 (providing morning and afternoon school service between Del Prado Park, <br />Pleasanton Middle School, and Foothill High School); and <br />• School Route 609 (provides morning and afternoon school service between Del Prado Park <br />and Hart Middle School). <br />BART provides rail rapid transit services from Pleasanton to a majority of the Bay Area (including downtown San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose). The closest BART station to the site is East Dublin/Pleasanton (the current terminus of the Blue Line, which spans from Daly City through San <br />Francisco and then Oakland to Dublin/Pleasanton), located approximately two miles to the north. The <br />second closest BART station is West Dublin, located approximately three miles as to the northwest. <br />ACE provides commuter rail services and stops at the Pleasanton Station, which is located approximately two miles to the southeast. ACE trains operate between Stockton and San Jose on weekdays. The service offers four trains to San Jose in the morning and four trains to Stockton in the afternoon. <br />A proposed project is considered to have a significant impact on transit if it conflicts with existing or planned transit facilities, or if it is expected to generate additional transit trips and it does not provide adequate facilities for additional pedestrians and bicyclists to access transit routes and stops. While the Project is not expected to generate any substantial increases in transit ridership, any increases resulting from the Project could easily be accommodated by the surrounding transit services. Therefore, the impact on transit facilities is expected to be less-than-significant.