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MILITARY EQUIPMENT USE REPORT 2023 <br />Internal Audit <br /> <br />The police department is committed to providing information to our community in compliance <br />with Assembly Bill 481. Police department personnel conduct various military equipment audits <br />to determine functionality, inventory, and verify proper personnel has assigned equipment. All <br />military equipment, including firearms, less lethal launchers, diversionary devices/chemical <br />agents, and specialty ammunition, were accounted for during this period. <br />Training Costs <br />The use of certain items of military equipment and related special tac^cs are perishable skills that <br />require ongoing training to maintain proficiency. While the Department conducts constant <br />training within its Personnel and Training Unit and specific specialized units (i.e., Crisis <br />Nego^a^on Team, SWAT, etc.), there is significant tac^cal insight and an enhanced skillset to be <br />gained by par^cipa^ng in external training courses. These courses provide officers with a <br />curriculum and exercises designed to impart knowledge, skills, and enhanced capability. The <br />courses ajended by officers can vary from year to year, depending on opera^onal needs. <br />Funding sources for training are funded from the exis^ng police training budget. <br />Storage Costs <br />Our current military equipment listed in this report is stored at the police department or city <br />facilities. There are no third-party storage costs. <br />Conclusion <br />As outlined in this report, the Pleasanton Police Department u^lizes various types of military <br />equipment to protect life, prevent crime, and enhance the quality of life for all our community <br />members. In accordance with Assembly Bill 481 the police department will be transparent <br />regarding funding, acquisi^on, or use of military equipment by your police department’s officials. <br />The police department has a strong desire to have our community members par^cipate in their <br />local government’s decision to fund, acquire, or use of this type of equipment. Moreover, when <br />making decisions regarding how military equipment is funded, acquired, or used, the Pleasanton <br />Police Department considers the public’s welfare, safety, civil rights, and civil liberties. <br /> <br />Any member of the public can submit a complaint to the Pleasanton Police Department in person, <br />telephone, email, etc.). Once the complaint is received, it will be routed for review to the <br /> Internal Affairs Unit in accordance with the Pleasanton Police Department’s policy and <br />procedures. <br /> <br /> 42