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<br />City of Pleasanton (0012108.00) 3 Woodard & Curran, Inc. Woodard and Curran Condition Assessment Scope_14Feb24 February 9, 2024 <br />Task 7.4 Deliverables: <br />•Thematic maps and tables summarizing pipe LOF, COF, risk scores, and R/R priorities. <br />Subtask 7.5 Develop Rehabilitation/Replacement Recommendations for Sewer Pipes <br />Using the inspection data and the decision process developed as part of Subtask 7.3, W&C will work with the City to develop a list of R/R needs. Pipe R/R decisions will be prioritized by their risk score calculated in Task 7.4. <br />The Rehabilitation and Replacement decision process will consist of the following: <br />•Apply the decision process to CCTV inspection data to generate initial repair,rehabilitation, and replacement recommendations based solely on analysis of defectdata and pipe risk scores. <br />•Create a list of CCTV inspection priority for pipes with no available CCTV data basedon pipe attributes used in the risk assessment performed in task 7.4. <br />•Pipes with generate initial repair, rehabilitation, and replacement recommendations <br />will be placed into prioritization groups based on the risk score calculated in task 7.4. <br />•The initial repair, rehabilitation, and replacement decisions will be linked to the sewer <br />GIS and generate maps displaying condition ratings and the results. <br />Task 7.5 Deliverables: <br />•GIS maps and summary tables of R/R recommendations. <br />Task 7.6 Prepare Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation and Replacement TM <br />This subtask involves compiling the work conducted under this task into a TM for use by the <br />City. The information in the TM will support development of the City’s capital budget and financial plan. <br />•Draft TM. W&C will incorporate the findings and recommendations of the project into <br />a Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation and Replacement TM. The TMappendices will contain supporting data including results tables, pipe conditionassessment data and R/R recommendations, and other pertinent information. TheTM will include an Executive Summary section that can be extracted as a stand-alonedocument and provided to City management and Council members or otherinterested parties. <br />•Final TM. W&C will prepare a final Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation and <br />Replacement TM, incorporating the City’s comments on the Draft TM. <br />Task 7.6 Deliverables: <br />•Draft Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation and Replacement TM <br />•Final Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation and Replacement TM (4 hard copiesplus electronic files) <br />EXHIBIT B.1DocuSign Envelope ID: 5A406C2C-41AC-4CD1-B24B-4EEEED3DC26E