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Page 6 of 7 <br />the proposal would be responsible for the payment of current development impact fees and for <br />the costs of any required utility or infrastructure improvements. The project would incrementally <br />increase the demand for City services but would also add sales and property tax revenue. <br />Additionally, the existing agreement already secures additional financial benefits to the City, <br />such as payment of impact fees at current rates. <br /> <br />ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br />On January 4, 2012, the City Council certified a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report <br />(SEIR) and adopted the CEQA Findings and a Statement of Overriding Considerations for the <br />Housing Element and Climate Action Plan General Plan Amendment and Rezonings <br />Supplemental EIR. This SEIR was a supplement to the EIR prepared for the Pleasanton 2005- <br />2025 General Plan which was certified in July 2009. The development contemplated in the DA <br />is consistent with the development density that was evaluated and mitigated as part of these <br />certified CEQA documents which are available upon request as part of Attachment 3. In <br />addition, the City adopted an Addendum dated April 19, 2019, in connection with the <br />Stoneridge Mall Commercial Replacement and Expansion Project, File P18-0340, which <br />concluded the project would not cause any unstudied impacts or impacts peculiar to the parcel. <br />The proposed Fifth Amendment does not result in any effects on the environment that are <br />peculiar to the property or project that were not addressed in these prior CEQA documents, or <br />which substantial new information shows will be more significant than described in these prior <br />CEQA documents. Therefore, no additional environmental review is required pursuant to <br />Public Resources Code section 21083.3 and CEQA Guidelines section 15183. <br /> <br />SUMMARY/CONCLUSION <br />This extension will enable Stoneridge Properties LLC (Simon Property Group) to continue to <br />explore commercial expansion of the Stoneridge Shopping Center, broadening the City’s tax <br />base and allowing the continued vitality of the shopping center. This amendment/extension <br />would not alter or modify the obligations and responsibilities described in the original DA or <br />subsequent amendments as they apply to the shopping center, except in ways that are to the <br />benefit of the City, such as requiring the project to pay current development impact fees. With <br />expectations of the completion of the outlined Stoneridge Mall Framework milestones in this <br />amendment, staff believes the shopping center will continue to evolve and remain competitive <br />in both the current development environment; thus, staff supports the request for the <br />amendment/extension and recommends the City Council introduce the ordinance to approve <br />the proposed Fifth Amendment. <br /> <br />Prepared by: Submitted by: Approved by: <br /> <br />Eric Luchini, Senior Planner Ellen Clark, Director of Community <br />Development <br /> <br />Gerry Beaudin, City <br />Manager <br /> <br />Attachments: <br />1. Ordinance to approve Fifth Amendment to the DA (Exhibit A) for the Stoneridge <br />Page 33 of 371