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CITY OF PLEASANTON 5 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2023-2024 – FY 2027-28 <br />The following sections outline the five multi-year goals and associated strategies . Some strategies have either <br />already started or will begin in the first two fiscal years (FY 2023-24 and FY 2024-25) . Others will start in the last <br />three years of the strategic plan (FY 2025-26 through FY 2027-28) . Strategies included in the strategic plan will <br />require an allocation of resources in the coming years . This applies to each of the five goal areas . <br />STRATEGIES Year to Start <br />Fiscal Sustainability <br /> <br />Support financial health and sound fiscal policies through long-term planning, cost recovery, <br />increased revenue, and cost containment. <br />FUNDING OUR FUTURE <br />STRATEGIES FY 2023-24 and <br />FY 2024-25 <br />FY 2025-26 to <br />FY 2027-28 <br />1 . Develop a long-term strategy for funding operations and maintenance <br /> needs to ensure reliability of community-owned facilities and <br /> infrastructure and continuity of City services . <br />X <br />2 . Identify expanded and new revenue sources to address significant <br /> infrastructure needs .X <br />3 . Evaluate and update enterprise revenue sources, including utility rates, <br /> and connection and user fees to address growth and meet current needs .X <br />4 . Establish a procedure and practice of including an assessment of ongoing <br /> maintenance and operating costs, including staffing, for all new projects <br /> and identify funding to meet those needs . <br />X <br />5 . Update and standardize City policy regarding cost recovery for services .X <br />6 . Establish City policy and update City fee schedule to ensure fees charged <br /> represent costs of services according to established Council policy .X <br />7 . Conduct an analysis and update development impact fees to keep pace <br /> with new development costs .X <br />8 . Continue to evaluate pension and other post-employment benefits <br /> (OPEB) liabilities to identify strategies for long-term sustainability . X <br />12