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CITY OF PLEASANTON 5 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN FY 2023-2024 – FY 2027-28 <br />This five-year Strategic Plan contains 47 strategies to achieve the five goals . The City Council has established the <br />following priorities for focused attention for the first two years of the Strategic Plan, as shown below . <br />CITY COUNCIL PRIORITIES <br />Funding our Future – Strategy 1. Develop a long-term strategy for funding operations and <br />maintenance needs to ensure reliability of community-owned facilities and infrastructure and <br />continuity of City services <br />Investing in Our Environment – Strategy 2. Develop an Asset Management Plan to address <br />comprehensive long-term planning for maintenance, renovation, repair and/or replacement of <br />infrastructure and public facilities to meet current and future needs <br />Investing in Our Environment – Strategy 3. Identify funding and implement the recommendations <br />from the Water Supply Alternative Study to resolve PFAS water quality issues. <br />Safeguarding Our City – Strategy 1. Assess the City’s overall emergency preparedness capabilities, <br />resources, and tools and implement changes as needed to ensure the City is properly positioned to <br />respond to disasters. <br />11