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In case of emergency, the City may adopt or put into practice immediately such measures as are <br /> required. At the earliest practicable date thereafter the Association shall be provided with the <br /> notice described in the preceding paragraph and be given an opportunity to meet and confer <br /> with the appropriate management representatives. <br /> Section 3. Discrimination <br /> Neither the City, the Association, nor any person employed by them shall discriminate against <br /> any employee, or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex,national <br /> origin, age, medical condition,pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation or disability, except <br /> where such factors are determined to be a bona fide occupational qualification. Furthermore, <br /> the City shall not discriminate against any employee because of legitimate employee <br /> organization activities. <br /> Section 4. Continuation of Benefits <br /> The Association and the City acknowledge and agree that this Memorandum of Understanding <br /> may contain and/or discuss benefits that will affect current retirees and former members of the <br /> Association, or current members of the Association who may retire during the term of this <br /> Memorandum of Understanding. Neither the City nor the Association warrant or agree that <br /> current level of benefits which may be provided to retirees in the form of health benefits will be <br /> maintained at the same level beyond the term of this contract, even though it is neither the <br /> intention of the City nor the Association to decrease or diminish the value or level of benefits to <br /> its retirees by the inclusion of this paragraph in the memorandum of understanding. <br /> Section 5. Association Representatives <br /> City Employees who are official representatives of the Association shall be given reasonable <br /> time off with pay to attend meetings with management representatives, or to be present at <br /> hearings where matters within the scope of representation are being considered. The use of <br /> official time for this purpose shall be reasonable and shall not interfere with the performance of <br /> City services as determined by the City. Such employee representatives shall submit requests <br /> for excused absences to the Chief of Police or designee, with reasonable notice prior to the <br /> scheduled meeting whenever possible. Generally,no more than three(3) employees shall be <br /> excused for such purposes. Additional representatives may be authorized by the Chief of <br /> Police or designated representative. The Association shall submit a list of the officers of the <br /> Association to the Chief of Police and City Manager and notify both in writing at such time <br /> there are any changes in such Association officers. <br /> Section 6. City Rights <br /> The rights of the City include, but are not limited to, the exclusive right to determine the <br /> mission of its constituent departments, commissions and boards; set standards of service; <br /> determine the procedures and standards of selection for employment and promotion; direct its <br /> employees, take disciplinary action, relieve its employees from duty because of lack of work or <br /> for other legitimate reasons; maintain the efficiency of governmental operations; determine the <br /> methods, means and personnel by which government operations are to be conducted; determine <br /> the content of job classifications; take all necessary actions to carry out its mission in <br /> emergencies; to exercise complete control and discretion over its organization and the <br /> technology of performing its work. <br /> 3 <br />