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Planning Commission <br />Page 5 of 10 <br /> <br /> <br />Height: <br />• Sites on a commercial corridor less than 100 feet wide: 35 feet <br />• Sites of one acre or more, on a commercial corridor more than 100 feet wide: 45 feet <br />• Sites within 1/2 miles of major transit stop, and in a city with population greater than <br />100,000: 65 feet (this is not applicable to Pleasanton since the City’s population is <br />below 100,000) <br /> <br />Setbacks (All Qualifying Sites): <br />• No front setback from commercial corridor <br />• 80 percent of frontage must be within 10 feet of property line; 60 percent within 10 feet <br />along side streets <br />• 10-foot setback for property lines abutting residential uses, with upper story setbacks.3 <br />• 15-foot setback for property lines abutting non-residential uses. <br /> <br />Approval Process <br />Qualifying developments under AB 2011 are to be ministerially approved and would be exempt <br />from CEQA. Projects must be approved within 90 days for developments with 150 units or <br />less, or 180 days for developments with more than 150 units. <br />Local governments are required to identify any inconsistency with qualifying criteria within 60 <br />days for developments with 150 units or less; or 180 days for developments with more than <br />150 units. <br /> <br />Local governments are permitted to conduct design review, but only within the limited <br />timeframe and it must be based on objective standards. Local jurisdictions may adopt an <br />ordinance to implement AB 2011, with the ordinance’s adoption exempt from CEQA. <br /> <br />SB 6 (Caballero) <br />SB 6 allows residential development (“housing development projects”) on property zoned for <br />retail and office space without requiring such properties to be rezoned, provided that <br />developers pay construction personnel a prevailing wage and use a skilled and trained <br />workforce. Housing development projects include both resident ial and mixed-use projects <br />provided that at least 50 percent of the project square footage is dedicated for residential use. <br />The legislation does not include affordability standards . <br /> <br />Unlike AB 2011, projects proposed under SB 6 are not ministerial, but applicants can apply <br />other provisions of State law, such as SB 35 or the Housing Accountability Act, which may limit <br />or constrain the local jurisdiction’s authority to approve or deny an application, and in some <br />instances make such projects subject to ministerial review. Only objective standards may be <br />applied. <br /> <br />The bill went into effect July 1, 2023, and its provisions are repealed on January 1, 2033. <br /> <br />Approval Process <br />Local governments may adopt an ordinance to implement SB 6, with the ordinance adoption <br />exempt from CEQA. Project approval would consider the housing development project an <br /> <br />3 Stepbacks required at distance of 7 feet multiplied by floor number (e.g. 2 nd floor setback = 2 x 7, or 14 feet)