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apply to the Housing Element re-zone sites. In HCD's second letter to the City on April <br /> 10 HCD is requesting further be done to address Policy 11 as a potential impediment to <br /> housing developments more generally (beyond the re-zone sites). As such. Program 4.8 <br /> has been further revised. <br /> Revisions to Program 4.8 would suspend General Plan Land Use Element Policy 11 <br /> beyond re-zone sites for residential development proposals on all properties with a <br /> mixed use, low- and medium-density General Plan land use designation. This <br /> suspension will allow projects with those designations to build to the maximum density <br /> permitted in the General Plan irrespective of having negotiated additional amenities or <br /> benefits with the city. Because Policy 11 ties such requests for density above the mid- <br /> point to a PUD process, this would mean such projects would not need to go through a <br /> PUD approval, unless it was required for other reasons (e g . a project sought to deviate <br /> from development standards) <br /> Note that this change is consistent with the approach taken for the various Housing <br /> Element re-zone sites. which use conformance to objective design standards as the <br /> sole basis to determine if a project should be approved at its proposed density. And, in <br /> practical terms. given that the city is now largely built out. there are a limited number of <br /> other sites remaining in the city with potential and suitability for large scale <br /> development/ redevelopment. and for which there would have been the potential to <br /> negotiate significant additional public benefits which would be affected by this change <br /> The City would still be able to negotiate amenities and benefits for projects not <br /> consistent with the General Plan and seeking General Plan or zoning map <br /> amendments, annexations. or developing as Planned Unit Developments, since such <br /> approvals remain discretionary (Note that since the Planning Commission meeting <br /> further minor changes have been made to the text of Program 4.8 to clarify the intent of <br /> the program.) <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW <br /> The Planning Commission reviewed these changes on May 10, 2023. While the <br /> Commission had several questions about the scope and rationale for proposed <br /> changes, particularly those for Program 4.8.. the Commission did not suggest any <br /> additional changes to those proposed by staff The Commission recommended the City <br /> Council adopt the amendments as proposed. <br /> PUBLIC NOTICE <br /> Notice of this item was published in The Valley Times and an email notification was sent <br /> to all interested parties who have signed up on the Housing Element website <br /> Staff has received no public comments at time of <br /> agenda report publication. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br /> The City prepared a Program Environmental Impact Report (Program EIR) for the 6tn <br /> Cycle Housing Element (SCH 2022040091). which was certified by the City Council on <br /> Page 6 of 7 <br />