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LIVE IW&RE <br /> COMMENT COMPILATION AND RESPONSE <br /> Commenter#30 <br /> C119 April 17,2023 <br /> To:Livermore City Council <br /> Livermore Airport Commission <br /> Scott Lanphier, Director of City Public Works <br /> Michael Musca,Airport Manager <br /> Re: Proposed changes to City of Livermore Airport Development Policy <br /> We are writing you because we have questions and concerns about the proposed new City of Livermore's <br /> Airport Development Policy(February 17,2023) <br /> We moved to east Pleasanton in 1992 and at the time of purchasing our house our realtor notified us about <br /> the City of Livermore's Airport.It was noted that the airport was created in 1965 as a small recreational <br /> airport for small airplanes and was not designated for any other purpose.There was little airplane traffic <br /> over our east Pleasanton neighborhood for several years. In early 2000, landing and take-off pattern <br /> changes were made at the airport which directly impacted east Pleasanton including homes and schools. <br /> At the time,we voiced our concerns without success. <br /> Today,we regularly have small jets flying over our neighborhood in both take-off and landing maneuvers. <br /> We regularly report those planes operating outside approved business hours.Our concern is for the safety <br /> of our neighborhood,including the impacts of noise,air pollution and possible accidents. <br /> After the public outcry of possibly expanding the airport with a Kaiser Air contract,we appreciated your <br /> desire to re-evaluate and update the airport's policies and procedures. However,as we read the proposed <br /> new City of Livermore Leasing and Development Policy for the airport, we are disappointed in the <br /> recommendations. <br /> The proposed policy includes an objective on Social factors—"To maintain and enhance a compatible <br /> relationship between the airport and the surrounding community". There are no clear action <br /> steps/definitions on what this means...what level of noise is agreed upon,hours of operations,definition <br /> of air pollution standards,definition of community,opportunity for community input. <br /> There is no reference in this document about public input and review of the proposed changes. After <br /> the outcry about Kaiser Air expansion, we are shocked that there was no interest to include public <br /> participation in the development of the proposed policy and on-going changes at the airport. <br /> Noise policies are ignored in the document,although new policies and guidelines are detailed on things <br /> like size of buildings, landscaping, flag poles, lighting, setbacks, vehicle parking, hangar assignments, <br /> etc. Why weren't noise policies created/included? <br /> City of Livermore is part of the Tri-Valley and this document makes no mention of trying to <br /> communicate and/or work with the Cities of Dublin and Pleasanton officials to maintain a healthy and <br /> prosperous valley.Will this occur? <br /> The City of Livermore in past policy (Resolution NO. 2010-058), states the existing demand to <br /> increase/change at the airport must have tangible evidence. The new policy states that changes can be <br /> made any time by anybody and in fact the proposed contractor can create the demand (Unsolicited <br /> Interest)is the term used in the proposal. <br /> We are so disappointed in this proposed leasing and development policy and hope that additional time <br /> can be included to truly look at and include clear definition and standards for social and community needs <br /> so that everyone can be satisfied and keep the Tri-Valley a very desirable place to live. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> C119 See R I through R12 <br /> Comment Compilation and Response 25 <br /> City of Livermore, Livermore Municipal Airport (06/05/2023) <br />