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L1VERNJRE <br /> COMMENT COMPILATION AND RESPONSE <br /> Commenter#29 <br /> C117 Comment: Honorable Livermore City Council members: <br /> We are both Seniors and love our home on Amberwood Way. In many ways Livermore is a very nice <br /> city, we enjoy our neighborhood, we have a great downtown, etc. We have been homeowners in <br /> Livermore for more than 30 years. <br /> I am writing-in regards to the proposed Airport Development Policy. I am hoping that somewhere is the <br /> proposal,noise impacts is mentioned.I did not fully read this draft proposal but wanted to let our elected <br /> officials know how we feel. We are against any expansion and any more facilities being built that will <br /> increase the number of aircraft using our Airport. Our Airport is very busy and popular and we have so <br /> many planes flying over our neighborhood.It seems to me that some city officials and some on our Airport <br /> Commission want to encourage more aircraft to use our Airport by building more facilities. <br /> Many of the aircraft using our airport are single engine Cessna type planes and I assume that they are <br /> from Flight Schools. Many are flying low and some are loud and disturbing. Seems like our Airport is <br /> much busier than Palo Alto,Hayward,Concord,Tracy,Stockton and other nearby cities.Seems like there <br /> are more flight schools using our Airport and I know flight Schools from other cities use it every day. I <br /> have an app on my phone (FlightRadar24) and I can see the airplane traffic at Livermore and other <br /> airports.I also know that this app is not 100%accurate. <br /> The City Council(I believe it was back around 2005)approved an expansion.I believe back in 2007 our <br /> City Council approved a Fixed Base Operator(FBO)which as you know is Five Rivers Aviation. When <br /> we bought our home in 1992 it was rare to see a jet using our Airport.Even though many of use residents <br /> protested against this expansion and around 1000 residents of Livermore and Pleasanton attended the <br /> meeting at Granada High in 2005 to protest this proposed expansion. Sadly our City Council approved <br /> the proposal and now we have many large corporate jets flying over our neighborhoods every day. <br /> I know there are people that want our Airport to continue to expand and that is disappointing.Our Airport <br /> negatively impacts many neighborhood including ours. Our home is about 3 '/2 miles to the east of our <br /> Airport and is slightly north of the flight path.Our Airport can negatively impact the property values of <br /> many neighborhoods.It affects the quality of life for many neighborhoods.Thru the years the increase in <br /> air traffic has become an on going conversation between our neighbors and us. And from what I have <br /> read, many residents in Pleasanton do not like our Airport and the noise these aircraft generate. Please <br /> take into consideration before allowing any more expansion, building of facilities, etc. on Airport <br /> property. <br /> Please reply to let me know you have received this info and please feel free to comment. <br /> Thank you very much <br /> RI 18 Comment noted.No specific alternative language or deletions provided. <br /> Comment Compilation and Response 24 <br /> City of Livermore, Livermore Municipal Airport (06/05/2023) <br />