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6 <br /> Recommended Capital Improvements <br /> Improvements such as complete irrigation and planting replacement in Landscape <br /> Maintenance District No. 1993-2, Bonde Ranch, are overdue . However, the reserve <br /> fund balance is insufficient to make these improvements. <br /> The City drafted a schedule of recommended capital improvement projects, such as the <br /> replacement of the irrigation system and repair of the fencing, that need to be <br /> addressed and their respective cost estimate, as well as a planned <br /> replacement/renovation schedule. To fund the necessary capital improvements and <br /> maintain the District to a similar level to when the District was created staff estimates <br /> that the annual assessments would need to be increased from $473.66 to <br /> approximately $700.The City will be working with the HOA and consultants to develop <br /> the level of maintenance and recommended capital improvements during the upcoming <br /> year to create a comprehensive maintenance and improvement plan and associated <br /> costs. <br /> City of Pleasanton <br /> Landscape Maintenance District No. 1993-2, Bonde Ranch Engineer's Report, Fiscal Year 2023-24 <br />