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If the City's proposal, as stated in the PW, is accurate, it seems more than reasonable. <br /> If the employee is only looking at salary in the overall equation of job satisfaction, then let <br /> them leave. <br /> POA should take note that recently PPD received over loo applications. I believe less than <br /> 15 "made the cut" <br /> Pleasanton has a rigorous process for selecting those who will be PPD employees. This <br /> results in a department of having the best of the best. <br /> There are plenty of hopeful applicants wanting to be a member of the PPD. If Pleasanton <br /> lowered it's requirements (which I am against), and hired "unqualified " applicants, there <br /> would be no staffing shortage. <br /> Lastly, according to Indeed, the average statewide wage for law enforcement is about $30 <br /> per hour. Based on the wage scale Kathleen Ruegsegger posted, it appears the starting <br /> wage at PPD is $50 per hour. <br /> If any member of the union is unhappy about their TOTAL compensation and job <br /> satisfaction, they should be encouraged to leave....I'm sure that they will find out that the <br /> grass is not greener on the other side. <br /> 1 attachment <br /> John Bauer <br /> South Pleasanton <br /> 2 <br />