11 City of Pleasanton Capital Improvement Program • FY 2023/24 - FY 2026/27
<br />Fund Source FY 2023/24 FY 2024/25 FY 2025/26 FY 2026/27 Total
<br />City Developer Contributions $10,500 $10,500 $10,500 $10,500 $42,000
<br />Sewer Connection Fee 225,640 103,886 138,021 134,127 601,673
<br />Water Connection Fee 284,978 217,263 331,248 287,642 1,121,131
<br />Tri-Valley Transportation Fee 476,415 562,714 279,187 273,844 1,592,160
<br />Capital Facilities Fees 754,985 792,734 832,371 873,990 3,254,080
<br />Traffic Impact Fees 996,439 1,046,261 2,349,924 2,637,268 7,029,892
<br />Total $2,748,957 $2,733,358 $3,941,251 $4,217,371 $13,640,936
<br />In addition to the above state and regional revenues, the CIP includes development related reve-
<br />nue from the Tri-Valley Transportation Development (TVTD) Fee and the Dougherty Valley Mitiga-
<br />tion Fees that fund eligible street projects. Staff estimates that the City’s 20 percent share of the
<br />TVTD Fee will generate approximately $1.6 million during the next four years of this program and this
<br />total amount is being placed in the Tri-Valley Transportation Development Fee Reserve for use on
<br />future not yet funded streets projects. This Reserve has an existing balance of $1.9 million. Staff did
<br />not project revenues from Dougherty Valley Mitigation Fees over the four years of the CIP because
<br />actual fees collected are minimal. Historically, the City has received between $8,000 and $30,000
<br />annually from this fee. The Dougherty Valley Mitigation Reserve has an existing balance of $0.4 mil-
<br />lion and will also be applied to future eligible street projects.
<br />Local Development Fees
<br />This category of revenue consists of fees collected by the City to offset the impact of new develop-
<br />ment. The major sources and expected revenue from these sources are as follows: