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Entry Properties
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5/10/2023 3:37:06 PM
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5/10/2023 3:34:53 PM
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City staff continues to work closely with the maintenance contractor to reduce water loss <br /> due to the aging irrigation system but has had to reduce the amount spent on the <br /> maintenance contract to 25 percent of the recommended maintenance, specifically the <br /> labor hours spent on maintenance, in order to maintain a balanced operational budget. <br /> There is no funding available to cover capital repair and/or replacement costs, nor is <br /> there sufficient funding to cover emergency repair costs such as the damage caused by <br /> storms last year. <br /> Despite a significant reduction in the level of maintenance of the landscaped areas, <br /> there is a fund deficit of approximately $18,000 for this district due to the significant <br /> irrigation breaks and repairs and the tree and tree limb failures that have occurred over <br /> the last few years. The winter storms of 2022/23 especially impacted the trees in the <br /> Windsor LIVID with 4 major failures and several broken limbs. <br /> City staff began the process of increasing the assessments for the Windsor LIVID in <br /> early 2022 through a Proposition 218-compliant voting procedure. However, the <br /> property owners that attended the neighborhood outreach meeting on February 2, 2022, <br /> voiced their desire that the City undertake more significant outreach to discuss <br /> increasing the assessment prior to deciding to vote. Staff conducted further outreach <br /> and met with homeowners on October 18, 2022. The homeowners expressed a desire <br /> to have more control over the landscape maintenance and how money was spent but <br /> opposed approval of an assessment increase. Staff worked with the HOA Board to <br /> pursue an alternative route that the HOA would approve. The HOA chose to take over <br /> the routine plant maintenance and water costs starting in January 2024. The HOA <br /> Board President provided a letter to the City stating the HOA's intent to take over those <br /> responsibilities, which equates to approximately $17,000 annually in cost reductions to <br /> the LIVID. The City and HOA will need to enter into an agreement, to be approved by the <br /> City Manager, for the HOA to accept partial maintenance responsibilities for the district. <br /> The other LIVID maintenance responsibilities beyond plant care and water costs, such <br /> as maintenance of the sound wall, irrigation repairs, tree pruning, etc. would continue to <br /> be managed by the City as part of the Windsor LIVID. <br /> The transfer of the routine LIVID maintenance responsibilities and water costs to the <br /> Windsor HOA will be a significant step toward returning the LIVID to a positive fund <br /> balance, but in the long term an increase in the annual assessment will still be <br /> necessary to continue the maintenance standards of the district and replenish the <br /> reserve needed to fund eventual capital repair and replacement costs. <br /> Landscape Maintenance District 1993-2, Bonde Ranch <br /> The Bonde Ranch subdivision (District 1993-2) has 103 parcels. The district has been in <br /> place for 30 years. Maintenance in this district includes entry features, open space <br /> areas, firebreaks, trees, shrubbery, groundcover and irrigation systems for the <br /> subdivision, Tracts 6483 and 6518 in the city of Pleasanton. <br /> The assessments for the coming year for District 1993-2 (Bonde Ranch) will be the <br /> same as last year at $257.22 per privately-owned parcel. The City will pay $252.91 for <br /> the assessment of one City-owned parcel. With a total of 103 parcels in the district <br /> (including the City-owned Bonde Ranch water tank parcel), this year's total assessment <br /> Page 6 of 10 <br />
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