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A-24 | City of Pleasanton Housing Needs Assessment <br />Figure A-16: Households by Household Income Level <br /> <br />Notes: <br />Universe: Occupied housing units <br />Income groups are based on HUD calculations for Area Median Income (AMI). HUD calculates the AMI for different metropolitan <br />areas, and the nine county Bay Area includes the following metropolitan areas: Napa Metro Area (Napa County), Oakland-Fremont <br />Metro Area (Alameda and Contra Costa Counties), San Francisco Metro Area (Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo Counties), <br />San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara Metro Area (Santa Clara County), Santa Rosa Metro Area (Sonoma County), and Vallejo- <br />Fairfield Metro Area (Solano County). The AMI levels in this chart are based on the HUD metro area where this jurisdiction is <br />located. The data that is reported for the Bay Area is not based on a regional AMI but instead refers to the regional total of <br />households in an income group relative to the AMI for the county where that household is located. Local jurisdictions are required <br />to provide an estimate for their projected extremely low-income households (0-30% AMI) in their Housing Elements. HCD’s official <br />Housing Element guidance notes that jurisdictions can use their RHNA for very low-income households (those making 0-50% AMI) <br />to calculate their projected extremely low-income households. As Bay Area jurisdictions have not yet received their final RHNA <br />numbers, this document does not contain the required data point of projected extremely low-income households. The report portion <br />of the housing data needs packet contains more specific guidance for how local staff can calculate an estimate for projected <br />extremely low-income households once jurisdictions receive their 6th cycle RHNA numbers. <br />Source: ABAG 2021 Pre-certified Housing Needs Data (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development <br />(HUD), Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) ACS tabulation, 2013-2017 release) <br /> <br />Throughout the region, there are disparities between the incomes of homeowners and renters. <br />Typically, the number of low-income renters greatly outpaces the amount of housing available <br />that is affordable for these households. <br />In Pleasanton, the largest proportion of both renters and owners falls in the Greater than 100 <br />percent of AMI income group (see Figure A-17). The only income group in Pleasanton with more <br />renters than owners is the extremely low-income group (0-30 percent of AMI). <br />8%16%15%6% <br />11%11%6% <br />12%13% <br />6% <br />9%9% <br />74% <br />53%52% <br />0.0% <br />10.0% <br />20.0% <br />30.0% <br />40.0% <br />50.0% <br />60.0% <br />70.0% <br />80.0% <br />90.0% <br />100.0% <br />Pleasanton Alameda County Bay AreaPercent of Households0%-30% of AMI 31%-50% of AMI 51%-80% of AMI <br />81%-100% of AMI Greater than 100% of AMI