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7 | City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 Housing Element <br /> Appendix D: Existing Programs Review <br /> Appendix E: Public Participation Summaries <br /> Appendix F: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Assessment <br /> Appendix G: Housing Resources <br />1.D Data Sources and Methods <br />This Housing Element was updated in accordance with California Department of Housing and <br />Community Development (HCD) guidelines for the 6th Housing Element Cycle, incorporating <br />additional considerations required under new State housing-related legislation. Specific <br />documents are referenced throughout the Housing Element, including but not limited to, the <br />Pleasanton General Plan 2005-2025 and Pleasanton Municipal Code. The analyses and findings <br />in this document relied on data compiled from various sources, including: <br /> US Census Bureau (American Community Survey, Longitudinal Employer-Household <br />Dynamics) <br /> California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) <br /> California Department of Finance (DOF) <br /> US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) <br /> Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) <br /> Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) pre-certified data <br />This document was also informed by information provided by residents, business groups, local <br />institutions, City staff, and elected officials. <br />1.E Summary of Public Participation <br />Public participation is crucial in shaping Pleasanton’s housing strategy. Understanding the needs <br />of the community enables the development of housing strategies that are most appropriate and <br />effective. Public outreach also allows the City to identify concerns unique to certain stakeholders <br />that may not have been initially apparent. As part of the development of this Housing Element, <br />the City’s public participation program included a wide range of focus group meetings, community <br />workshops, and meetings with the Housing Commission, Planning Commission, and City Council, <br />as well as a variety of online resources and engagement tools. Outreach activities are <br />summarized below. For detailed public outreach summaries, please see Appendix E. <br />Website <br />The Housing Element Update webpage ( was used <br />to provide information on the Housing Element update process and timeline, resources (e.g.,