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A-2 | City of Pleasanton Housing Needs Assessment <br />Section A.1 Introduction and Summary <br />A.1.1 Introduction <br />This Appendix forms the foundation for understanding Pleasanton’s housing <br />needs. It analyzes a range of demographic, economic, and housing-related <br />variables to determine the extent and context of the city’s housing-related need. <br />Information gathered through this section provides a basis from which to build <br />housing goals, policies, and programs to address those needs. <br />This needs assessment includes an analysis of the city’s population, special needs groups, <br />employment, housing stock, and housing affordability. <br /> <br />The main source of data used to form the majority of this section is HCD pre-certified local housing <br />data provided by ABAG, which relies primarily on the American Community Survey 2015-2019, <br />California Department of Finance, and HUD’s Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy <br />(“CHAS”) data. 2020 Census data has been noted and referenced in certain instances; however, <br />due to the timing and certification requirements of the Housing Element, 2020 Census data is not <br />fully available and therefore is not possible to comprehensively integrate it into this assessment. <br />A.1.2 Summary <br />Housing needs are determined by a city’s population and its existing housing stock and provide <br />context for developing housing policy, such as which types of housing and its affordability levels <br />are most needed in the community. The following summarizes key data from this housing needs <br />assessment.