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61 | City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 Housing Element <br />Program 6.2 <br />Implement the Climate Action Plan’s (CAP 2.0) applicable actions related to new residential <br />construction, improving residential water and energy efficiency, and reducing VMTs associated <br />with new units including the following: P1 - All Electric Reach Code, P2 - Existing Building <br />Electrification Plan, P4 - Solar and Storage on New Construction, P5 - Zero Emissions <br />Infrastructure, P8 - Improve Bicycle Amenities, P9 - Bicycle Rack Incentive Program, P10 - <br />Increase Transit Ridership, P11 - Promote LEED Neighborhood Development, P15 - Water <br />Efficiency Retrofits, S1 - Refrigerant Management, S2 - Energy Efficiency Upgrades, and S6 - <br />Embodied Carbon Reduction Plan. <br /> Responsible Agency: Planning Division, Building and Safety Division <br /> Time Period: Ongoing <br /> Funding Source: Planning Division Budget; Building and Safety Division Budget; other <br />sources (see CAP 2.0 Section 4.6 (Funding and Financing)) <br /> <br />Program 6.3 <br />Seek out and utilize available energy efficiency upgrade program funding for low-interest loans to <br />support alternative energy usage and/or significant water conservation systems in exchange for <br />securing new and/or existing rental housing units affordable to very low- and low-income <br />households. <br /> Responsible Agency: Housing Division <br /> Time Period: Ongoing <br /> Funding Source: Housing Division Budget <br /> <br />Program 6.4 <br />Work to enhance multimodal transportation throughout Pleasanton by: <br />1. Implementing the network of bicycle and pedestrian facilities envisioned in the Bicycle <br />and Pedestrian Master Plan, to enhance the citywide network of bikeways, walkways, <br />and trails that are accessible, safe, comfortable, and convenient for people of all ages <br />and abilities, and to maximize multimodal transportation options by improving access <br />to BART, ACE, and bus lines. The City will accomplish this by dedicating local and <br />regional transportation funds as available to advance high priority bicycle and <br />pedestrian improvement projects, pursuing grant opportunities to augment local these <br />funds whenever feasible, and by requiring developers to implement multimodal <br />improvements as part of projects.