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Housing Element AFFH Survey Summary <br /> <br />1 <br />1 Introduction <br />1.1 AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHERING FAIR HOUSING OUTREACH OVERVIEW <br />The City of Pleasanton (“City”) is in the process of updating the Housing Element of the General <br />Plan. The 6th Cycle Housing Element, which will cover the eight-year period between 2023-2031, <br />must be adopted by January 2023. Assembly Bill 686 (AB 686), passed in 2018, requires cities and <br />counties to administer programs and activities relating to housing and community development in a <br />manner to affirmatively further fair housing, and to not take any action that is materially inconsistent <br />with this obligation. AB 686 defined “affirmatively further fair housing” to mean “taking meaningful <br />actions, in addition to combat discrimination, that overcome patterns of segregation and foster <br />inclusive communities free from barriers that restrict access to opportunity” for persons of color, <br />persons with disabilities, and other protected classes. AB 686 requires that all housing elements <br />prepared on or after January 1, 2021, include an Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) <br />analysis that outlines existing conditions and informs fair housing goals and actions and housing site <br />selection. <br /> <br />The City published an online survey and conducted outreach events to gather feedback on <br />impediments to fair housing and housing needs in Pleasanton, perception of housing costs and <br />availability, support for a variety of housing types, and housing policies. The community engagement <br />effort was targeted to reach those that may be facing barriers to housing opportunity in Pleasanton. <br />The feedback from the survey is intended to inform the City and the consultant team, and <br />complement analysis and research on current housing trends, city constraints, and evaluate various <br />approaches to meeting housing needs across income levels. <br />1.2 SURVEY & OUTREACH METHODOLOGY <br />The intent of AFFH outreach is to target groups that may face housing insecurity within Pleasanton <br />or barriers to housing in Pleasanton. By design, this survey is not statistically representative of a <br />larger community or population. The attitudes expressed are that of those who chose to participate in <br />the survey. Survey distribution involved Zoom focus groups, participation in Alameda County <br />Regional Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice outreach (Appendix F: Attachment 3), <br />participation in the Alameda County Collaborative (AC Collaborative) Community Based <br />Organizations Panel, in-person events, passive in-person outreach, mailings, and digital <br />communication. The survey, which was based on a model survey created by ABAG/MTC for the <br />purpose of soliciting community input on housing issues, could be filled out online, on a paper copy <br />returned to the City or over the phone. The majority of respondents filled out the survey online, <br />generating a unique response ID. 61 respondents filled the survey out using a paper copy, and this <br />data was input by City Staff in order to analyze those responses alongside those provided on-line. <br />The survey was made available in English, Spanish, Mandarin, Vietnamese, and Tagalog. The survey