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<br />2023-2031 Housing Element City of Pleasanton | 40 <br /> <br />Program 2.4 <br />Continue to make available funding from sources such as the City’s Lower Income Housing Fund, <br />and the City’s Federal HOME and CDBG funds to assist local non-profit agencies and housing <br />developers. The City will also provide technical support to agencies to seek other sources of <br />funding and to plan and develop affordable and special needs housing. <br /> Responsible Agency: Housing Division <br /> Time Period: Ongoing; seek funding biannually (first quarter 2024, 2026, 2028, and 2030) <br /> Funding Source: Lower Income Housing Fund, HOME funds <br /> Quantified Objective: Assist in the development of 100 low-income units over the planning <br />period <br /> Geographic Targeting: Achieve low-income housing units in Racial or Ethnically <br />Concentrated Areas of Affluence (RCAAs) and areas of relatively higher income (i.e., see <br />Appendix F, Figure F-9: Median Household Income) <br /> <br />Program 2.5 <br />Continue to offer waivers or reductions of City fees for affordable housing units, including the <br />following: <br />1. Exempt all housing units affordable to very low- and low-income households and <br />Accessory Dwelling Units from payment of the Lower-Income Housing Fee. <br />2. Allow for the approval of fee waivers and/or reductions for inclusionary units and the <br />housing developments of which they are a part, for projects that meet the requirements <br />of the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance in terms of the proportion of proposed affordable <br />units to be provided. When considering such discretionary fee waivers or reductions, <br />greater consideration will be given to their approval when a housing development’s <br />proposed proportion of lower-income units exceeds the minimum required by the <br />Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance (i.e., not all market rate units in projects that comply <br />with minimum inclusionary requirements will necessarily receive fee waivers or <br />reductions). <br /> Responsible Agency: Planning Division <br /> Time Period: Ongoing as projects applications are processed <br /> Funding Source: Lower Income Housing Fund, developer funds <br />