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<br />2023-2031 Housing Element City of Pleasanton | 30 <br />of, and affordability among, ADUs, such as fee waivers or reductions in exchange for deed- <br />restricting a unit. <br /> Responsible Agency: Planning Division, Housing Division <br /> Time Period: Monitor annually (by April 1 of each year); if ADU targets are not being met <br />(i.e., 11.5 ADUs permitted on an annual average) by January 2025, review and revise <br />efforts to increase ADU construction (e.g., fee waivers, etc.) by July 2025 pending results <br />of monitoring. The City’s action shall be commensurate with the level of shortfall from <br />construction targets (i.e., if shortfall is significant, less than 80 percent of target, a rezoning <br />action may be required, if shortfall is slight, 80 percent of target or greater, additional <br />incentives may be appropriate). Review will occur every two years thereafter (i.e., January <br />2027 and January 2029) with action implemented within six months if targets are not being <br />met as described above (July 2027 and July 2029). <br /> Funding Source: Planning Division Budget, Housing Division Budget, Building and Safety <br />Division Budget <br /> Quantified Objective: 93 ADUs <br />