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<br />C-46 | City of Pleasanton Housing Constraints <br />Measure (MM) HAZ-2, which requires the preparation of a Phase I Environmental Site <br />Assessment (Phase I ESA) and Phase II ESA (as necessary) for review and approval by the City <br />and completion of any necessary remedial activities to be conducted under the oversight of the <br />appropriate regulatory agency, such as the Alameda County Environmental Health Department <br />or Regional Water Quality Control Board. The EIR states that compliance with applicable federal, <br />State, and local laws, as well as local plans and regulations, in addition to implementation of MM <br />HAZ-2 would provide public protection from hazards associated with the use, transport, treatment, <br />and disposal of hazardous substances during construction and operation of development <br />consistent with this Housing Element. With incorporation of this mitigation measure, which <br />reduces any potentially significant effects from contamination to a less than significant level at <br />these rezone sites, possible contamination does not represent an environmental constraint that <br />would preclude development of housing sites identified in Appendix B. <br />In addition, according to the California Environmental Protection Agency and California Office of <br />Environmental Health Hazard Assessment’s CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Indicator Maps <br />(CalEnviroScreen), there are no known hazardous waste sites at any of the sites in the sites <br />inventory in Appendix B. As described in the paragraph above, Rezone Site 22 (Merritt Property) <br />is a cleanup site as described by CalEnviroScreen, but MM HAZ-2 would address any impacts of <br />contamination as may be found at this site. <br />There are no other known environmental constraints that would preclude development on sites <br />identified in the housing sites inventory, including easements, property conditions, lack of <br />compatibility with other land use controls, necessary site mitigations, or timing impacts. Where <br />constraints related to land use controls exist (as previously identified in this Appendix), programs <br />are included to address and remove the constraint. <br />C.4.2 Infrastructure Constraints <br />Water Supply <br />Water supply is an issue at the forefront of long-term planning efforts in the City.Water supply is <br />an issue at the forefront of long-term planning efforts in the City. A Water Supply Assessment <br />(WSA) was completed for the proposed land use changes, re-zonings and residential growth <br />associated with the 6th Cycle Housing Element, as part of the required CEQA evaluation. The <br />WSA, which was developed in consultation with the City’s main water supplier, Zone 7, looked at <br />long- and short-range water supply issues based on an evaluation of demand and available <br />supply, with findings based primarily on the City’s 2020 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP). <br />The WSA concluded that for Normal year water supply, single dry year water supply, and multi- <br />dry year water supply Zone 7 is able to provide enough water supply to account for the City’s <br />water demand projections from 2020 through 2045. The projected total demand falls within the <br />water demand projections reported in the UWMP for the years 2023 through 2025, but slightly <br />exceeds projections reported in the UWMP for the years 2030 through 2045 (exceedances of <br />approximately 3.5 percent (2031) and 1.5 percent (2045). However, the WSA utilized extremely