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A-42 | City of Pleasanton Housing Needs Assessment <br />Figure A-29: Characteristics for the Population Experiencing Homelessness, Alameda County <br /> <br />Notes: <br />Universe: Population experiencing homelessness <br />This data is based on Point-in-Time (PIT) information provided to HUD by CoCs in the application for CoC Homeless Assistance <br />Programs. The PIT Count provides a count of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons on a single night during the last ten <br />days in January. Each Bay Area county is its own CoC, and so the data for this table is provided at the county-level. Per HCD’s <br />requirements, jurisdictions will need to supplement this county-level data with local estimates of people experiencing <br />homelessness. These challenges/characteristics are counted separately and are not mutually exclusive, as an individual may <br />report more than one challenge/characteristic. These counts should not be summed. <br />Source: ABAG 2021 Pre-certified Housing Needs Data (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development <br />(HUD), Continuum of Care (CoC) Homeless Populations and Subpopulations Reports (2019)) <br /> <br />In Pleasanton, there were no reported students experiencing homelessness in the 2019-2020 <br />school year. By comparison, Alameda County has seen an 18.7 percent decrease in the <br />population of students experiencing homelessness since the 2016-2017 school year, and the Bay <br />Area population of students experiencing homelessness decreased by 8.5 percent. During the <br />2019-2020 school year, there were still some 13,718 students experiencing homelessness <br />throughout the region, adding undue burdens on learning and thriving, with the potential for longer <br />term negative effects. <br /> <br />0 <br />500 <br />1,000 <br />1,500 <br />2,000 <br />2,500 <br />Sheltered - Emergency Shelter Sheltered - Transitional Housing Unsheltered <br />Chronic Substance Abuse HIV/AIDS Severely Mentally Ill <br />Veterans Victims of Domestic Violence