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A-40 | City of Pleasanton Housing Needs Assessment <br />Figure A-27: Racial Group Share of General and Homeless Populations, Alameda County <br /> <br />Notes: <br />Universe: Population experiencing homelessness <br />This data is based on Point-in-Time (PIT) information provided to HUD by CoCs in the application for CoC Homeless Assistance <br />Programs. The PIT Count provides a count of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons on a single night during the last ten <br />days in January. Each Bay Area county is its own CoC, and so the data for this table is provided at the county-level. Per HCD’s <br />requirements, jurisdictions will need to supplement this county-level data with local estimates of people experiencing <br />homelessness. HUD does not disaggregate racial demographic data by Hispanic/Latinx ethnicity for people experiencing <br />homelessness. Instead, HUD reports data on Hispanic/Latinx ethnicity for people experiencing homelessness in a separate table. <br />Accordingly, the racial group data listed here includes both Hispanic/Latinx and non-Hispanic/Latinx individuals. <br />Source: ABAG 2021 Pre-certified Housing Needs Data (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development <br />(HUD), Continuum of Care (CoC) Homeless Populations and Subpopulations Reports (2019); U.S. Census Bureau, <br />American Community Survey 5-Year Data (2015-2019), Table B01001(A-I)) <br /> 3.8%3.2%47.3%31.4%14.4%0.7%31.0%10.6%40.5%17.3%0% <br />5% <br />10% <br />15% <br />20% <br />25% <br />30% <br />35% <br />40% <br />45% <br />50% <br />American Indian or <br />Alaska Native <br />(Hispanic and Non- <br />Hispanic) <br />Asian / API <br />(Hispanic and Non- <br />Hispanic) <br />Black or African <br />American (Hispanic <br />and Non-Hispanic) <br />White (Hispanic <br />and Non-Hispanic) <br />Other Race or <br />Multiple Races <br />(Hispanic and Non- <br />Hispanic)Percent of PopulationShare of Homeless Population Share of Overall Population