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A-32 | City of Pleasanton Housing Needs Assessment <br />Table A-7: Population with Developmental Disabilities by Age <br />Age Group Number of People with a Developmental Disability <br />Age Under 18 278 <br />Age 18+ 206 <br />Notes: <br />Universe: Population with developmental disabilities <br />The California Department of Developmental Services is responsible for overseeing the coordination and delivery of services to <br />more than 330,000 Californians with developmental disabilities including cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, Down syndrome, <br />autism, epilepsy, and related conditions. The California Department of Developmental Services provides ZIP code level counts. To <br />get jurisdiction-level estimates, ZIP code counts were crosswalked to jurisdictions using census block population counts from <br />Census 2010 SF1 to determine the share of a ZIP code to assign to a given jurisdiction. <br />Source: ABAG 2021 Pre-certified Housing Needs Data (California Department of Developmental Services, <br />Consumer Count by California ZIP Code and Age Group (2020)) <br /> <br />The most common living arrangement for individuals with developmental disabilities in Pleasanton <br />is the home of parent/family/guardian. <br />Table A-8: Population with Developmental Disabilities by Residence <br />Residence Type Number of People with a Developmental Disability <br />Home of Parent/Family/Guardian 427 <br />Independent/Supported Living 44 <br />Community Care Facility 10 <br />Other 0 <br />Foster/Family Home 0 <br />Intermediate Care Facility 0 <br />Notes: <br />The California Department of Developmental Services is responsible for overseeing the coordination and delivery of services to <br />more than 330,000 Californians with developmental disabilities including cerebral palsy, intellectual disability, Down syndrome, <br />autism, epilepsy, and related conditions. The California Department of Developmental Services provides ZIP code level counts. To <br />get jurisdiction-level estimates, ZIP code counts were crosswalked to jurisdictions using census block population counts from <br />Census 2010 SF1 to determine the share of a ZIP code to assign to a given jurisdiction. <br />Source: ABAG 2021 Pre-certified Housing Needs Data (California Department of Developmental Services, <br />Consumer Count by California ZIP Code and Residence Type (2020)) <br /> <br />The City continues to support and facilitate the development of housing for people with <br />developmental disabilities. During the last planning period, the City acquired a 1.64-acre parcel <br />of land within Irby Ranch and leased it to SAHA/Sunflower Hill who constructed the 31-unit <br />Sunflower Hill project for residents with developmental disabilities and special needs. The City