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Gerry Beaudin, City Manager <br />Page 5 <br /> <br /> <br />and affordability throughout the City. Additional examples include promoting <br />more housing choices and affordability in lower density areas, religious <br />institutional sites and city-owned sites and enhancing ADU, JADU and home <br />sharing strategies. For more information on potential actions, please see HCD’s <br />AFFH Guidance Memo (starting on p. 72) at <br />and-community-development/affirmatively-furthering-fair-housing. <br /> <br />The element will meet the statutory requirements of State Housing Element Law once it <br />has been revised and re-adopted, if necessary, to comply with the above requirements. <br /> <br />Please be aware Chapter 654, Statues of 2022 (AB 2339), adds specificity on how cities <br />and counties plan for emergency shelters and ensure sufficient and suitable capacity. <br />Future submittals of the housing element may need to address these statutory <br />requirements. For additional information and timing requirements, please see HCD’s <br />memo at <br />community/ab2339-notice.pdf. <br /> <br />For your information, pursuant to Assembly Bill 1398 (Chapter 358, Statutes of 2021), if <br />a local government fails to adopt a compliant housing element within 120 days of the <br />statutory deadline (January 31, 2023), then any rezoning to make prior identified sites <br />available or accommodate the RHNA shall be completed no later than one year from <br />the statutory deadline pursuant to Government Code sections 65583, subdivision (c) <br />and 65583.2, subdivision (c). Otherwise, the local government’s housing element will no <br />longer comply with State Housing Element Law, and HCD may revoke its finding of <br />substantial compliance pursuant to Government Code section 65585, subdivision (i). <br />Please be aware, if the City fails to adopt a compliant housing element within one year <br />from the statutory deadline, the element cannot be found in substantial compliance until <br />these rezones are completed. <br /> <br />Public participation in the development, adoption and implementation of the housing <br />element is essential to effective housing planning. During the housing element revision <br />process, the City must continue to engage the community, including organizations that <br />represent lower-income and special needs households, by making information regularly <br />available while considering and incorporating comments where appropriate. Please be <br />aware, any revisions to the element must be posted on the local government’s website <br />and to email a link to all individuals and organizations that have previously requested <br />notices relating to the local government’s housing element at least seven days before <br />submitting to HCD. <br /> <br />For your information, some general plan element updates are triggered by housing <br />element adoption. HCD reminds the City to consider timing provisions and welcomes <br />the opportunity to provide assistance. For information, please see the Technical <br />Advisories issued by the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research at: <br /> <br />