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kept, which record shall be <br /> open to the public, <br />1.09.Penalties. Any person, firm, <br /> corporation or association ~'ho <br /> viola[es this Ordinance is <br /> guilty of a misdemeanor and <br /> upon conviction thereof is pun- <br /> ishable by a fine or not ,more <br /> than five hundred dollars <br /> ($500.00) .or lby imprisonment <br /> in the County Jail for not <br /> more than six (6) months or <br /> by both. <br /> ~,ach day's violation of this <br /> Ordinance is a separate of- <br /> fense. <br /> <br /> OI~GAlVZZATIOZff AND <br /> ~NFOBC~NT <br />2.01 <br /> <br />2,03 To ~hom ~e~ts ~y <br /> <br />2.05 M~nce <br />2.06 V~M~ty of <br />2.07 ~xpir~on of <br />2.08 <br /> <br /> ~)There is est~bllshe~ In the <br /> City th~ office of Plum~i~g <br /> specter who ~hall enforce <br /> Ordinance. ~or suc~ <br /> he shall have the ~ower ~f · <br /> ~lice officer; <br /> ~) The Plumbing Inserter ts <br /> hereby authorized to discon- <br /> nec~ or order a~tement of any <br /> plumbing device~ appl~nces <br /> or equi~en~ found to be in <br /> violation of ~is ordinance un- <br /> der any of ~he following con- <br /> di~ions: <br /> 1. Failure of ~e owner or his <br /> agent to secure .the req~red <br /> pl um'bing ~e~it. <br /> 2. Deficient plumbing work <br /> found to be dangerous to <br /> health and safety due to de- <br /> fective piping, devices, ap- <br /> pliances or equipment. <br /> 3. P.lumbin~ work connected <br /> to sewer w~thout the approv- <br /> al of the Plumbing Inspector. <br /> Any order i~u~ purs~nt to <br /> this section may be made <br /> either to the ~er~n using and <br /> maintaining the condition or to <br /> the person responsible for Its <br /> use and malnteance, and ~hall <br /> specify the date or time for <br /> compliance with its terms. <br /> 2.02 P~ts ~ No plumb- <br /> ing, piping, appliance~ or <br /> equipment regu~ted by this <br /> ordinance shall .be installed <br /> within or on any building, <br /> structure or premises without <br /> first securing a permit there- <br /> for f~m the Plumbing In- <br /> specter. <br /> ~ separate pe~it shall be <br /> talned for each building or <br /> structure. <br /> <br /> a) No permit shall be issued <br /> to any .person to do, or cause <br /> to ~e done, any work regulated <br /> by this ordin~ce except to a <br /> person holding a valid, unex- <br /> pired, and unrevoked plumb- <br /> ing conlracto~s or sewer con- <br /> .. tractor's license issued by the <br /> Contractors S t a t e License <br /> Board of ~e State of Californ- <br /> ia excel when ~d as other- <br /> wise hereinafter provided in <br /> this section. <br /> This ordinance shall exempt <br /> from licensing any work t~t <br /> qualifies for thc exemption <br /> provided in Section 7048. Ar- <br /> ticle 3, Chapter 9 of Division <br /> 3 of the Busings and Pro- <br /> fessions Code of the State <br /> California. <br /> b) .~ny pe~it required by this <br /> ordinance may be issued to any <br /> person to do any work reg- <br /> ulated by this ordinance in a <br /> ~ingle family dwelling used <br /> clusively for living purpose~ <br /> including ~he usual accessory <br /> 'buildings and quarters in con- <br /> n~tlon wi,th such buLldings In <br /> the event that the same are <br /> occupied by or designed to be <br /> occupied by said owner;pro- <br /> vided that said owner shall <br /> <br /> all work in connection there- <br /> with. <br /> c) ~'o one may install any <br /> <br /> sewer piping, or connect any <br /> house sewer, in the public <br /> street except a licensed sewer <br /> con, tractor. <br />2.04 Application for _~ermtt. Every <br /> application for a permit shall <br /> be made on forms turnished <br /> by the Plumbing Inspector. <br /> Every application shah pro- <br /> vide for the address, the use. <br /> occupancy or purpose of the <br /> building, or premises where <br /> the proposed work is to be <br /> done, the owner's name. and <br /> the plumbing or sewer con- <br /> tractor's name and address, a <br /> complete description of the <br /> proposed work and such other <br /> additional information as tbs <br /> Plumbing Inspector may con- <br /> sider necessary. <br /> If it appears, upon examina- <br /> tion and investigation by the <br /> Plumbing Inspector that the <br /> proposed ~vork will conform <br /> to the provisions of ,this or- <br /> dinance, a permit shall then <br /> be Issued to the applicant, up- <br /> on payment of the fees pro- <br /> vided for in Section 2.08. <br />2.05 wratute~,,,nce ~l~u~bsrs. In lieu <br /> of an individual permit for <br /> each installation or alteration, <br /> an annual permit may, upon <br /> application therefor, be issued <br /> to any person, firm or corp- <br /> oration regularly employing <br /> one or more plumbers for the <br /> installation and raalntenance <br /> of plur~bing devices, applianc- <br /> es, and equipment upon prem-; <br /> isles owned or occupied ~y the <br /> applicant for the permit. The <br /> application shall be made on <br /> forms furnished ,by the Plumb- <br /> ing Inspector. Within not more <br /> than fifteen (15) days follow- <br /> ing the end of e~ch calendar <br /> month, the person, firm or <br /> corporation to which an annual <br /> permit is issued shall trans- <br /> mit to the Plumbing Inspector <br /> a report of all the plumbing <br /> work done under the annual <br /> permit during the .preceding <br /> month. Each annual permit <br /> shall expire on December 31 <br /> of the year in which it is <br /> issued. <br /> 2.06.~'alldl~ 'of Permit. The issu- <br /> er approval of .plans and spec- <br /> iflcations shall nnt be constru- <br /> ed to -be a permi~ ,for, or an ap- <br /> proval of, any violation of any <br /> of the provisions of this or- <br /> dinance. <br /> The issuance of a permit upon <br /> plans and specifications shall <br /> not prevent the Plumbing In- <br /> spector from thereafter re- <br /> quiring the correction of error <br /> in said plans and specifications <br /> or preventing construction op- <br /> eration ~eing carried on there- <br /> under when in violation of this <br /> ordinance or of any other or- <br /> dinances of the City of Pleas- <br /> anton. <br /> <br /> corporation installing the same <br /> to notify the Plumbing Inspec- <br /> tor, who shall inspect the in. <br /> stallation within forty-eight <br /> (48) hours, exclusive of Sat- <br /> urdays, Sundays and Holidays, <br /> of ,the time such notice is given <br /> or as soon thereafter as prac- <br /> ticable. <br /> Where the Plumbing Inspec- <br /> tor finds the installation to be <br /> in conformity with the provi- <br /> sions of this ordinance he shall <br /> issue to the person, firm or <br /> corporation making the instal- <br /> lation a certficate of approval. <br /> If, upon inspection, the instal- <br /> lation is not fnund to be fully <br /> in conformity with the provis- <br /> ions of this ordinance the <br /> Plum~ing Inspector shall at <br /> once notify the person, firm or <br /> corporation making the instal- <br /> lation, stating the defects which <br /> have ,been found to exist. <br /> All defects shall be corrected <br /> within ten (10) days after in- <br /> spection and notification, or <br /> within other reasonable .time <br /> as permitted by the Plumbing <br /> Inspector. <br /> When any part of a plumbing <br /> installation is to be hidden <br /> from view by the permanent <br /> placement of parts of the,build- <br /> ing, the person, firm or corpor- <br /> ation installing the plum'bi~ng <br /> shall notify the Plumbing in- <br /> spector and such parts of the <br /> installation shall not be con- <br /> reeled until they have been in- <br /> spected and approved by the <br /> Plumbing Inspector; provided <br /> that on large installations, <br /> where the concealment of/)arts <br /> of the plumbing proceeds <br /> continuously, the person, firm <br /> or corporation installing the <br /> plumbing shall give the Plumb- <br /> ing Inspector due notic, e and <br /> inspections shall be mane per- <br /> iodically during the progress of <br /> the work. The Plumbing In- <br /> spector shall have the power <br /> to remove, or require the re-' <br /> moral Of, any obstruction 4hat <br /> prevents proper inspection of <br /> any plumbing. <br /> At least once in each calendar <br /> month the Plumbing Inspector <br /> shall visit all premises where <br /> work has been done under an- <br /> nual permits and shall inspect <br /> all plumbing installed under <br /> such a permit since the date <br /> of his last previous inspection, <br /> and shall issue a certificate of <br /> approval for such work as is <br /> found to 'be in conformity with <br /> the provisions of this ordinance <br /> after the fee required by Sec- <br /> tion 2.08 has been paid. <br />2.10 Connection to ~sts/l~o~. Ex- <br /> cept where work is done under <br /> maintenance plumbers' permit, <br /> it shall be unlawful for any <br /> person, firm or corporation to <br /> make connection to a public <br /> <br />2,07 <br /> <br />~xpir~Tlon of Permit. %Vhen- sewer unless such person, firm <br />ever the work authorized by~ or corporation shall have ob- <br />anlz' permit, required by this. t rained a certificate of approval <br />oramance ~s not commenceu ~ i~sued h~ the Plumbing Inspec- <br />within ninety (90) days from~ +~r ~ <br />the date of issuance of such[ '' ' &'.mq',TdL",T.~ ~'t <br />er i r hnvr ........... <br />p m t o w e e e tne wor~ ! ~,vw~r~r_~ <br />authomzed .by such permit is ' -.-. ' <br />suspended and before the work j 3.01 Applio~bill$y of'A~lcxo <br />authorized by such permit shall: 3.02 Approve~l ' <br />be recommended or continued, 3.03 D~,ellt~, ~/~ingle ~a~lly <br />a new permit shall be obtained 3.04 ~lu~.binK Znspeo%or <br />as provided in this ordinance ~ 3.05 lPlwmbinK <br /> <br /> for the original permit, and <br /> the same fee or fees shall be <br /> paid therefor as were' required <br /> .for the original permit. <br />2.08 :Fee~. Before any permit re- <br /> quired ~y this ordinance is is- <br /> sued, the applicant therefor <br /> shall pay' to the Plumbing In- <br /> spector the fees for each build- <br /> lng or structure as set forth in <br /> a table of fees adopted by reso- <br /> lution of the City Council upon <br /> the passage of this ordinance, <br /> and to become effective, when <br /> this ordinance becomes effec- <br /> tive. Said table of fees may be <br /> amended, partially or entirely <br /> by su%sequent resolution of <br /> the City Council. <br />2.09 l~nsDec~ions ~ Cerifl:[icsts. Up- <br />on ,completion of the work <br />which has been authorized by <br />issuance of any permit, except <br />an annual permit, it shall be <br />the dtuy of the person, firth or <br /> <br />3.06 Plumbing Work <br />3.07 ~lu.~.l~ing Concealed <br />3,06 l~lu~abin~ Exposed <br />3.01 Applicability of Article. Th~ <br /> definitions contained in this <br /> Article shall govern the con- <br /> struction of this Ordinance un- <br /> less the context is otherwise <br /> required. <br />3.02 Approved. "Approved" means <br /> approved by the p]umbing in- <br /> specter as to the equipment, <br /> etc,, materials and methods of <br /> mstallation. <br />.3.03 Dwe!]t~E, Single lPa~aily. "Sin- <br /> gle Family Dwelling'' shall <br /> mean a building designed for <br /> occupancy by one family ex- <br /> clusively. <br />3.04 Plul~bing ~spsctor. The "Plum- <br /> bing Inspector" is the Building <br /> Official of the City of Pleas- <br /> anton, or his authorized repre- <br /> sentative. <br /> 3.05 ~h~biug. "P~umbing'' means <br /> <br />all piping, connections, appli- <br />ances, devices and apparatus <br />used for or in connection with <br />the transmission and use of <br />water, and the disposal of <br />liquid Waste. <br />3.06 ~pl~ mbL~' Work. "Plumbing <br />Work" means and includesff"~ <br />installation, construction, n~ <br />tenance and repair of plum\ <br />equipment. <br />3.07 IPlUI~bLI~K Concea~led. "Conceal- <br />ed Plumbing" means plumbing <br />rendered inaccessible by the <br />s4rncture or finish of the build- <br />ing. <br />3.08 PlV. Zv. binK ~.',posed. "Exposed <br />-Plumbing" means plumbing not <br />rendered inaccessible by the <br /> structure or finish of tile <br /> building. <br /> A~TICL~- 4 <br /> <br />4.01 i~ta~daxrls for wr~teris/s <br /> In~*~Alation <br />4.02 Unifor~ lPl~mbinK Code <br />4.03 Aclop~io~ of ]Ed/tions <br />4.01 -~ts~l~rds fo= Ms, erie.Is and ~ <br /> a) All plumbing materials, de- <br /> vices, appliances, equipment, <br /> and plumbing work shall be in <br /> conformity with this ordinance <br /> and approved standards for <br /> safety to life and property. <br /> b) Listing or labeling, as con- <br /> forming to the Standards of <br /> the Underwriters La~oratories. · <br /> Inc.. the United States Bureau <br /> of Standards, the United States <br /> Bureau of ~Iines, or other simi- <br /> lar institution of recognized <br /> standing, shall be prima facts <br /> evidence of conformity with <br /> the approved standards for <br /> safety to life and property. The <br /> m~ke'rs name, t. rademark., ,elf' <br /> other identificatmn sym n o , <br /> shall be placed on all materials. <br /> devices, appliances, and equip- <br /> ment used or installed under <br /> this ordinance. <br /> c) Exception: Installations in <br /> or on buildings that are under <br /> the jurisdiction of the Califor- <br /> nia Division of Industrial Safe- <br /> ty shall comply with the/-~- <br /> quirements of the Safety[ <br /> ders of the State of Calif,. <br /> ~vhere those orders are m~.e <br /> restrictive than the require.- <br /> ments of this ordinance. <br /> Uniform l'lumbh~g Cods. <br /> a) In addition to the require.~ <br /> ments of this ordinance, and ex- <br /> cept as specifically modified by <br /> the provisions of this ordin- <br /> ance, the requirements of the <br /> Uniform Plumbing Code shall <br /> apply to all plumbing installa- <br /> tions. <br /> b) The Uniform Plumbing_Code, <br /> published by the ~Vest <br /> · Plumbing Officals' Association. <br /> as modified by the amendments <br /> and additions thereto and dele- . <br /> tions therefrom a~ set forth ir~ <br /> this ordinance is hereby a~iopl- <br /> ed by reference. Th~-~ ¢;,) <br /> printed copies of such Unifo~'m <br /> Plumbing Code are on ~i. le in <br /> the office of the City Clerk, <br /> c) Exception: The exception set <br /> forth in item c) of Section 4.01 <br /> shall apply fully to the Uni- <br /> form Plumbing Code. <br /> Adoption of ~.cll~io~ <br /> a) The 1961 Edition of the <br /> Uniform Plum~ing Code, <br /> published by the West Coast <br /> Plumbing Officials Association, <br /> is hereby adopted ,by reference <br /> with the following revisions: <br /> 1. Part One, "Administration" <br /> of the 1961 Edition is herewith <br /> deleted, and this ordinance <br /> shall be substituted. <br /> 2. Part Two, "QuaAific~tion of <br /> Plumbers" is herewith deleted, <br /> and anyone who possesses <br /> valid Plum~ing License, C-36, <br /> or Sewer, Sewage Disposal, <br /> Drain, Cement Pipe Laying <br /> cense C-42. issued by the State <br /> of California Contractor's Li- <br /> cense Board, shall be de/- <br /> to be qualified. <br /> 3. Appendix D "P, ainwate.~ - <br /> terns" is herewith deleted, ~.nd <br /> Appendix D "Swimming Pools" <br /> is substituted, and made a part <br /> of this ordinance. <br /> b) E×ception: The exception <br /> set forth in item c)-of .%ec~ion <br /> 4.,ql shah apply fully to the <br /> <br />4.02; <br /> <br />4.03 <br /> <br /> <br />