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Objective Design Standards for Housing Sites <br />City of Pleasanton - 28 - Adopted January 26, 2023 <br /> <br /> <br />Development Standards: <br />All Housing Site Development <br />A3.1 <br />a. Streets Perimeter frontages on public streets shall have a minimum six-foot-wide tree planting <br />strip and a six foot wide and a six foot wide sidewalk on each side of the street, except as <br />established in the accompanying figures. Where a meandering sidewalk is proposed, the planting <br />strip shall be allowed to meet an average six-foot width. <br />b. Internal streets shall have a minimum six4-foot wide planter strip and six5-foot wide sidewalk, <br />except as allowed by Figure 67 (see Figure 9). Internal streets shall provide a 10-foot setback <br />from property lines for development up to 40 feet in height and a 15-foot setback for <br />development over 40 feet in height, as measured by the Pleasanton Municipal Code. All setbacks <br />shall be subject to Fire Department review and approval. Refer to Section A4 of this document <br />for additional standards for Internal Streets. <br />a.c. Collector streets shall have a 5-foot-6-inch wide planter strip and 6-foot wide sidewalk (see <br />Figure 8). Arterial and Collector Street frontages within the development and at the perimeter <br />shall provide a 10-foot setback from property line for development up to 40 feet in height and a <br />15-foot setback for development over 40 feet in height. All setbacks shall be subject to Fire <br />Department review and approval. <br />A3.2 Low landscape walls or fences, not to exceed three feet in height, shall be allowed to encroach <br />within Street setbacks to a maximum of two feet from back of sidewalk. Residential porches and <br />terraces shall be allowed to encroach up to five feet into any setback. <br />A3.3 Streets shall be designed to include planned improvements in the <br />Pleasanton Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. <br />A3.4 Street trees shall be planted at an average spacing of 25 feet with no individual spacing <br />exceeding 40 feet. <br />A3.5 A minimum of two internal street segments shall provide direct connection to development <br />landmarks or site amenities such as designated open spaces, parks, or community buildings. <br /> <br />A3.6 Parallel parking shall be required at a minimum of 50 percent of each Internal Street length. This <br />may be accommodated by providing parallel parking on one or both sides of the street. For <br />locations that have parallel parking adjacent to landscape strips, a pedestrian pathway from the <br />curb through the landscape strip is required at every second parking space. <br /> <br />A3.7 Street lighting to be City Standard. Fixtures shall be mounted on 16’- 18’ poles with LED Lights <br />at between 75’ and 90’ on center to meet photometric standard continuous 0.1 FCS on <br />sidewalks. The location of street lighting poles and equipment shall be coordinated so as to <br />avoid conflicts with trees and utilities. <br /> <br />Multifamily Development <br />A3.85 Front setbacks on Street frontages shall comply with the following: <br />a. Ground-floor residential front setbacks shall be ten feet minimum from the back of sidewalk. <br />Development taller than three stories shall provide 15 feet to allow for a row of trees <br />between the back of sidewalk and building. <br />b. Buildings with retail or commercial at the ground floor shall be set back at least ten feet <br />from back of sidewalk. <br />A3.96 Pedestrian-scaled lighting shall be provided on all public streets in compliance with Section