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AUGUSTIN BERNAL MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAIL PROJECT DRAFT INITIAL STUDY <br /> 12956 <br />DUDEK 27 April 2022 <br />3.4 Biological Resources <br /> <br />Potentially <br />Significant <br />Impact <br />Less Than <br />Significant <br />Impact With <br />Mitigation <br />Incorporated <br />Less Than <br />Significant <br />Impact No Impact <br />IV. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES – Would the project: <br />a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either <br />directly or through habitat modifications, <br />on any species identified as a <br />candidate, sensitive, or special status <br />species in local or regional plans, <br />policies, or regulations, or by the <br />California Department of Fish and Game <br />or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? <br /> <br />b) Have a substantial adverse effect on <br />any riparian habitat or other sensitive <br />natural community identified in local or <br />regional plans, policies, regulations, or <br />by the California Department of Fish and <br />Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? <br /> <br />c) Have a substantial adverse effect on <br />state or federally protected wetlands <br />(including, but not limited to, marsh, <br />vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct <br />removal, filling, hydrological interruption, <br />or other means? <br /> <br />d) Interfere substantially with the <br />movement of any native resident or <br />migratory fish or wildlife species or with <br />established native resident or migratory <br />wildlife corridors, or impede the use of <br />native wildlife nursery sites? <br /> <br />e) Conflict with any local policies or <br />ordinances protecting biological <br />resources, such as a tree preservation <br />policy or ordinance? <br /> <br />f) Conflict with the provisions of an <br />adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, <br />Natural Community Conservation Plan, <br />or other approved local, regional, or <br />state habitat conservation plan? <br /> <br />Setting <br />The following terms are used in this section to describe the areas studied and potentially impacted by the <br />project, from least to most inclusive: