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AUGUSTIN BERNAL MOUNTAIN BIKE TRAIL PROJECT DRAFT INITIAL STUDY <br /> 12956 <br />DUDEK 5 April 2022 <br />Table 2-1. Mitigation Measures <br />Measure <br />Number Measure Text <br />area and the County Coroner shall be immediately notified of the discovery. No further <br />excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie <br />adjacent remains shall occur until the County Coroner has determined, within 2 working <br />days of notification of the discovery, if the remains are human in origin. If the County <br />Coroner determines that the remains are, or are believed to be, Native American, they <br />shall notify the Native American Heritage Commission in Sacramento within 24 hours. In <br />accordance with California Public Resources Code Section 5097.98, the Native American <br />Heritage Commission must immediately notify those persons it believes to be the most <br />likely descendant from the deceased Native American. The most likely descendant shall <br />complete their inspection within 48 hours of being granted access to the site. The <br />designated Native American representative would then determine, in consultation with <br />the City, the disposition of the human remains. <br />GEO-1 Erosion Control. Erosion control measures shall be implemented in accordance with an <br />erosion control plan. This could include measures for slope stabilization, dust control, <br />and temporary and permanent erosion control devices/best management practices such <br />as straw wattles, track out control devices, silt fencing, sediment traps, tarping of <br />stockpiled soils, revegetation treatments or other measures specified by the erosion and <br />dust control plan or as determined to be necessary by the project engineer. <br />GEO-2 Treatment of Unanticipated Paleontological Resources. In the event that paleontological <br />resources (e.g., fossils) are exposed during construction activities for the project, all <br />construction work occurring within 50 feet of the find shall immediately stop until a <br />qualified paleontologist meeting the professional standards of the Society of Vertebrate <br />Paleontology can evaluate the significance of the find and determine whether or not <br />additional study is warranted. If the discovery is clearly not significant, the paleontologist <br />may document the find and allow work to continue. If the discovery proves potentially <br />significant under CEQA, additional work such as preparation of a paleontological <br />treatment plan and monitoring in the area of the find may be warranted. <br />HAZ-1 Management of Hazardous Materials During Construction. The following measures shall <br />be implemented prior to and during construction and shall be incorporated into project <br />plans and specifications. <br /> All equipment shall be inspected by the contractor for leaks prior to the start of <br />construction and regularly throughout project construction. Leaks from any <br />equipment shall be contained and the leak remedied before the equipment is <br />again used on the site.