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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />88 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />requesting any additional information was sent to each tribal representative identified by the NAHC <br />on November 15, 2022. A response was received from Chairperson Corrina Gould of the <br />Confederated Villages of Lisjan Nation on January 4, 2023, stating that the CHRIS results show the <br />area has been very active for their Tribe , and expressing an interest in seeing that a full <br />archaeological report is completed for the proposed project. FCS reconfirmed the results with Senior <br />Archaeologist Charles Mikuluk, who performed the records search at the NWIC. On January 10, FCS <br />responded to Chairperson Gould by sharing the CHRIS results that showed no precontact resources <br />have been mapped within the 0.5-mile search radius surrounding the project site, or within the <br />project site itself, despite over 60 previous studies having been performed within the radius. FCS also <br />shared the negative results of the pedestrian survey that was part of the cultural resources study <br />prepared for the project. In addition to the negative pedestrian survey and CHRIS results, FCS noted <br />the fully developed and hardscaped nature of the project site, leading to the conclusion that it is <br />unlikely precontact archaeological resources would be encountered during project construction. FCS <br />requested any additional information on the project area the Tribe may be in possession of and <br />offered to address any additional concerns. No additional responses have been received to date. <br />While unlikely, the possibility remains that TCRs in the form of surface archaeological resources or <br />human remains may be encountered during project construction. The proposed project would be <br />required to follow the City’s standard condition of approval that all construction shall stop if TCRs are <br />uncovered during excavation. In such case, procedures for inadvertent discovery under federal, <br />State, and local laws would apply as well as Prior EIR MM 4.D-4. Therefore, impacts would be less <br />than significant. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />Prior EIR Mitigation Measures <br />MM 4.D-4 In the event that human remains are discovered during grading and construction of <br />development facilities by the Housing Element, work shall stop immediately. There <br />shall be no disposition of such human remains, other than in accordance with the <br />procedures and requirements set forth in California Health and Safety Code Section <br />7050.5 and Public Resources Section 5097.98. These code provisions require <br />notification of the County Coroner and the Native American Heritage Commission, <br />who in turn must notify the persons believed to be most likely descended from the <br />deceased Native American for appropriate disposition of the remains. <br />Conclusion <br />The proposed project would not result in impacts related to cultural or tribal cultural resources <br />beyond those considered in the Prior EIR. There are no proposed changes, new circumstances, or <br />new information that would cause new or more severe impacts. <br />The proposed project is consistent with the development evaluated in the certified Prior EIR and <br />would not result in any new impacts or increase the severity of any previously identified impacts as <br />compared to what was already identified and disclosed, either individually or cumulatively.