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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />84 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />0.5-mile search radius. The NAHC response recommended reaching out to an included list of 13 <br />tribal representatives available for consultation. To ensure that all Native American knowledge and <br />concerns over potential TCRs that may be affected by the proposed project are addressed, a letter <br />containing project information and requesting any additional information was sent to each tribal <br />representative on November 21, 2022. A response was received from Chairperson Corrina Gould of <br />the Confederated Villages of Lisjan Nation on January 4, 2023, stating that the California Historical <br />Resources Information System (CHRIS) results show the area has been very active for their Tribe , and <br />expressing an interest in seeing that a full archaeological report is completed for the proposed <br />project. FCS reconfirmed the results with Senior Archaeologist Charles Mikulik, who performed the <br />records search at the NWIC. On January 10, FCS responded to Chairperson Gould by sharing the <br />CHRIS results that showed no precontact resources have been mapped within the 0.5-mile search <br />radius surrounding the project site, or within the project site itself, despite over 60 previous studies <br />having been performed within the radius. FCS also shared the negative results of the pedestrian <br />survey that was part of the cultural resources study prepared for the proposed project. In addition to <br />the negative pedestrian survey and CHRIS results, FCS noted the fully developed and hardscaped <br />nature of the project site, leading to the conclusion that it is unlikely precontact archaeological <br />resources would be encountered during project construction. FCS requested any additional <br />information on the project area the Tribe may be in possession of and offered to address any <br />additional concerns. No additional responses have been received to date. <br />Northwest Information Center <br />In order to determine the presence or absence of cultural and historical resources within the project <br />site, a records search and literature review was conducted for the project site and a standard 0.5- <br />mile search radius on October 11, 2022, at the NWIC, located California State University, Sonoma. <br />The purpose of this review was to access existing cultural resource survey reports, archaeological <br />site records and historic maps, and evaluate whether any previously documented prehistoric or <br />historic archaeological sites, architectural resources, cultural landscapes, or other resources exist <br />within or near the project site. To identify additional historic properties or resources, the current <br />inventories of the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), the California Register of Historical <br />Resources (CRHR), the California Historical Landmarks (CHL) list, the California Points of Historical <br />Interest (CPHI) list, and the California Built Environment Resource Directory (BERD) for Alameda <br />County. The records search results failed to identify any prehistoric or historic resources within the <br />project site. However, one historic resource was identified in its 0.5-mile search radius. The search <br />identified one report that includes the project site, and 60 reports within a 0.5-mile search radius of <br />the project site. This indicates that the project site has previously been surveyed for cultural <br />resources with negative results. A records search map identifying the project boundaries and a 0.5- <br />mile search radius along with a list of reports and resources from the NWIC can be found in <br />Appendix D. <br />Pedestrian Survey <br />On November 30, 2022, FCS Senior Archaeologist Dr. Dana DePietro conducted a pedestrian survey <br />for unrecorded cultural resources within the project site boundary. The project site consists almost <br />entirely of hardscaped pavement that serves as an existing parking lot for the Stoneridge Mall. The