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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum CEQA Checklist <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 79 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />impacts as a result of these projects may occur. Impacts on the habitat of special-status species <br />potentially present within the Planning Area would be avoided or mitigated to less than significant <br />levels with the implementation of MM 4.C-1a through MM 4.C-1d. Additionally, impacts on the <br />riparian corridors would be avoided or mitigated to less than significant levels with the <br />implementation of MM 4.C-2. The Prior EIR concluded that potential impacts on wildlife migratory <br />corridors and native wildlife nursery sites will be less than significant. <br />Analysis of Proposed Project <br />The proposed project would not result in new or more severe impacts than what was identified in <br />the Prior EIR. The project site is entirely developed and is surrounded by urban development in all <br />directions. The site does not contain any natural or man-made features that could serve as a suitable <br />corridor for wildlife or fish movement. As discussed in Impact (a) above, the implementation of MM <br />4.C-1a would reduce any potential impacts to nesting birds by the proposed project to less than <br />significant levels. Therefore, there are no environmental effects that are peculiar to the proposed <br />project or the parcels on which the proposed project would be located. Because there would be no <br />impacts, the proposed project would not result in a new or more severe adverse impact that was not <br />previously identified in the Prior EIR. <br />e) Conflict with Local Policies or Ordinances <br />Prior EIR Conclusions <br />The Prior EIR found that future residential development on the potential sites for rezoning could <br />include development on parcels that support Heritage Trees. Construction of some of the new units <br />could occur in locations where Heritage Trees would be adversely affected, through damage to root <br />zones or tree canopy, or outright removal. The Prior EIR described that the City’s Tree Preservation <br />Ordinance protects Heritage Trees, whenever possible. However, when circumstances do not allow <br />for retention, the City requires permits to remove trees and mitigation for the removal of trees, <br />including replacement with new trees and payment to the City’s Urban Forestry Fund. Removal of, or <br />construction around, protected trees requires permission and inspection by the Community <br />Development Director or the Director’s designated representative. The Prior EIR concluded that <br />mitigation would not be required because impacts would be less than significant with required <br />adherence to the Tree Preservation Ordinance. <br />Analysis of Proposed Project <br />The proposed project would not result in new or more severe impacts than what was identified in <br />the Prior EIR. An Arborist Report was prepared for the project site on March 10, 2022 and was <br />updated on June 21, 2022. The report determined that the proposed project would require the <br />removal of 27 Heritage Trees. The City requires the approval of a Heritage Tree Application to <br />remove Heritage Trees, as cited in Chapter 17.16 of City’s Municipal Code. Adherence to the City’s <br />Tree Preservation Ordinance would ensure compliance with any local policies or ordinances <br />protecting biological resources. As such, the proposed improvements would not alter any <br />conclusions set forth in the Prior EIR and no mitigation would be required.