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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />184 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />Environmental Issue <br />Area <br />Conclusion in <br />Prior EIR <br />Are there <br />Project <br />Impacts <br />Described in <br />15183? <br />Are there <br />Proposed <br />Changes <br />Involving New <br />or More <br />Severe <br />Impacts? <br />(15162) <br />Are there New <br />Circumstances <br />Involving New <br />or More <br />Severe <br />Impacts? <br />(15162) <br />Is there New <br />Information <br />Involving New <br />or More <br />Severe <br />Impacts? <br />(15162) <br />Mitigation <br />Measures <br />XIX. Mandatory Findings of Significance <br />a) Does the project <br />have the potential <br />to substantially <br />degrade the quality <br />of the environment, <br />substantially reduce <br />the habitat of a fish <br />or wildlife species, <br />cause a fish or <br />wildlife population <br />to drop below self- <br />sustaining levels, <br />threaten to <br />eliminate a plant or <br />animal community, <br />substantially reduce <br />the number or <br />restrict the range of <br />a rare or <br />endangered plant or <br />animal, or eliminate <br />important examples <br />of the major periods <br />of California history <br />or prehistory? <br />Less than <br />significant <br />impact with <br />mitigation <br />incorporated <br />No No No No Prior EIR: <br />MM 4.C-1a, <br />MM4.D-4 <br />b) Does the project <br />have impacts that <br />are individually <br />limited, but <br />cumulatively <br />considerable? <br />(“Cumulatively <br />considerable” <br />means that the <br />incremental effects <br />of a project are <br />considerable when <br />viewed in <br />connection with the <br />effects of past <br />projects, the effects <br />of other current <br />Less than <br />significant <br />impact with <br />mitigation <br />incorporated <br />No No No No Prior EIR: <br />MM 4.N-7