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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum CEQA Checklist <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 137 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />a coherent physical design. Future development of a single use on a site is consistent with the <br />Mixed-Use designation if such a use is approved as part of a PUD.70 <br />As described in Section 2.2, Location and Setting, the City’s Housing Site Development Standards and <br />Design Guidelines (Design Guidelines)71 outline permitted density, height, and uses as well as <br />parking requirements and development standards for roadways, circulation, building orientation, <br />landscaping, lighting, and architectural features for PUD districts. The proposed project would <br />comply with most of the standards described in the Design Guidelines. The proposed project would <br />be reviewed by the City through the PUD process, which includes review for compliance with Design <br />Guidelines, recommendation by the Planning Commission, and design approval by the City Council at <br />noticed public hearings. The City can grant exceptions to the application of Design Guidelines where <br />proposed projects meet the intent and purpose of the Design Guidelines.72 <br />As described above, the Prior EIR envisioned up to 400 units on Site 3, which incorporates the 6-acre <br />project site. The proposed project proposes 360 units and, therefore, is within the number of units <br />envisioned at the project site. <br />The Mixed-Use designation currently allows for a maximum residential unit density of 40 units per <br />acre. The proposed project would exceed this density, with a proposed density of 60 units per acre. <br />However, the proposed project would develop under the Density Bonus Law (Government Code <br />65915), which allows for measured increases in density beyond the allowed limits for development <br />of affordable housing units.73 Because at least 24 percent of the units 74 in the proposed project <br />would be deed-restricted for low-income households, in accordance with Government Code 65915, <br />the proposed project includes a 50 percent density bonus over the 6-acre site, resulting in 360 units <br />(60 units/acre). <br />Additionally, the proposed project includes waivers for certain aspects of the Design Guidelines that <br />physically preclude the construction of the development given its density bonus, such as the height <br />limit of 5 stories. The proposed project would construct up to a 6-story building and would therefore <br />request the waiver in order to accommodate the project’s density. <br />In summary, the proposed project has been designed to be consistent with existing General Plan and <br />Zoning Designations, including the Design Guidelines. Standards not followed within these <br />documents would be permitted under the Density Bonus Law. Therefore, impacts would continue to <br />be less than significant, and no mitigation is necessary, consistent with the Prior EIR. There are no <br />proposed changes, new circumstances, or new information that would cause new or more severe <br />impacts. <br /> <br />70 City of Pleasanton. 2019. Pleasanton Plan 2005-1025. 2. Land Use Element. <br />71 Adopted by City of Pleasanton Ordinance No. 2042 on September 4, 2012, as Planned Unit Development (PUD) development plan <br />approval for Site 3. <br />72 City of Pleasanton. 2012 Housing Site and Development Standards and Design Guidelines. <br />73 California Government Code. Title 7. Planning and Land Use [65000-66499.58]. Division 1.Planning and Zoning [65000-66301] <br />Chapter 4.3. Density Bonuses and Other Incentives [65915-65918]. <br />74 24 percent of the units at 40 units/acre, which is the base density (e.g., what is allowed under the zoning, without any additional <br />units obtained from providing affordable units), are proposed to be deed-restricted for low-income households.