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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum CEQA Checklist <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 117 <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />soil or groundwater. Table 4.G-1 in the Prior EIR identifies properties in the vicinity of the residential <br />sites that are on the Cortese List. Site 3, which contains the project site, is not in the vicinity of any of <br />the listed sites. The Prior EIR found that all sites listed under the Housing Element were fully <br />remediated, with the exception of two sites (Sites 11 and 14). Potential future projects on these two <br />sites could cause ground disturbance that may cause the accidental release of hazardous materials. <br />However, the proposed project would occur at a site that is not listed on the Cortese List or nearby a <br />site that is on the Cortese List. Therefore, it was determined that development at the project site <br />would not create a risk of accidental release of hazardous materials into the environment. <br />In addition to the above-mentioned risk, the Prior EIR also identified that excavation involved in <br />construction and maintenance of development facilitated by the Housing Element could lead to the <br />rupture of a PG&E or other pipelines, especially along pipelines running alongside I-580, along Santa <br />Rita Road to First Street, and along the Sunol Boulevard – First Street – Stanley Boulevard roadways. <br />The Prior EIR determined that to mitigate the risk of rupture of pipelines, developers and their <br />contractors would be required to coordinate with the City’s Operation Services Department and <br />utility owners through notification of the Underground Service Alert system to precisely locate any <br />subsurface utilities prior to construction. The Prior EIR concluded that impacts would thus be less <br />than significant in relation to pipeline rupture. Therefore, the Prior EIR found that, with the <br />exception of the two contaminated sites mentioned above that are not part of the proposed project, <br />impacts associated with hazardous materials upset or accidental release would be less than <br />significant. <br />Analysis of Proposed Project <br />As mentioned above, the Prior EIR determined that the project site is not listed on the Cortese List, <br />nor is it nearby a site that is on the Cortese List. Furthermore, a site-specific Phase I ESA was <br />prepared for the proposed project. A recognized environmental condition (REC) is the presence or <br />likely presence of any hazardous substance in, on, or at a property. The Phase I ESA, included as <br />Appendix F, involved a site reconnaissance, which revealed no evidence of RECs.54 <br />A de minimis condition is a condition related to a release that generally does not present a threat to <br />human health or the environment that generally would be the subject of an enforcement action. The <br />Phase I ESA identified that the project site’s historical agricultural use could have included the use of <br />metallic and chlorinated pesticides and herbicides which could have left residual concentrations of <br />these compounds in the soils, even decades after discontinuing their use. However, grading and <br />construction efforts for the Stoneridge Mall would have substantially disturbed the existing soils, <br />resulting in mixing of the soil and reduction of residual pesticide content that may have existed. <br />Therefore, this is considered a de minimis condition and no mitigation is required.55 <br />The project site is adjacent to I-580; however, as noted on the PG&E natural gas transmission <br />pipeline map,56 the I-580 corridor pipeline is located in the project vicinity to the north along Dublin <br /> <br />54 Apex. 2022. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. January 12. <br />55 Ibid. <br />56 Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). Natural Gas Transmission Pipeline Map Website: <br /> <br /> Accessed December 1, 2022.