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City of Pleasanton—Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />CEQA Checklist Section 15183 Checklist/15164 Addendum <br /> <br /> <br />112 FirstCarbon Solutions <br />Https:// Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480017/Consistency Checklist/21480017 Stoneridge Mall Residential Project Checklist <br />Addendum_Updated.docx <br />2017 Scoping Plan Update Reduction Measure Project Consistency <br />stakeholders, and with the public, to develop <br />measures as outlined in the Scoping Plan Update <br />and the governor’s Executive Order B-30-15 to <br />reduce GHG emissions and to cultivate net carbon <br />sequestration potential for California’s natural and <br />working land. <br />Source of ARB 2017 Scoping Plan Update Reduction Measures: California Air Resource Board (ARB). 2017. California’s <br />2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan. November. <br /> <br />As shown in Table 11, implementation of the proposed project would not conflict with the reduction <br />measures proposed in the Scoping Plan. As such, the proposed would not conflict with any <br />applicable plan, policy or regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing GHG emissions, nor would <br />the proposed project generate GHG emissions, either directly or indirectly, that may have a <br />significant impact on the environment. Therefore, this impact would be less than significant. <br />Therefore, there are no environmental effects that are peculiar to the proposed project or the <br />parcels on which the proposed project would be located. Impacts would be less than significant and <br />the proposed project would not result in a new or more severe adverse impact that was not <br />previously identified in the Prior EIR. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />None required. <br />Conclusion <br />The proposed project would not result in new or more severe impacts than identified in the Prior <br />EIR.