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-16 - <br />156123283.10 <br />Row Standard Compliance Analysis <br />B3. Window Design –Development Standards (p. 34) <br />112.B3.1 Each window shall either be recessed (“punched”) a minimum of 2 inches from <br />the plane of the exterior building wall or shall provide durable trims of a material <br />that contrasts with the surrounding wall material on at least two sides of the <br />window perimeter. <br />Complies. <br />113.B3.2 Each individual building shall provide differing window sizes to emphasize the <br />hierarchy of living and public spaces. A minimum of one different window size <br />shall be introduced for each 100 feet of proposed building perimeter length. <br />Complies. <br />114.B3.3 A minimum of 50 percent of windows on south-facing elevations shall be provided <br />with sun shading. Sun shading may be provided by any combination of the <br />following: <br />a.By awnings projecting a minimum of 18 inches. <br />b.By window openings recessed a minimum of 4 inches from the face of <br />wall. <br />c.By windows located adjacent to projecting building elements exceeding 18 <br />inches in depth. <br />Complies <br />B3. Window Design –Design Guidelines (p. 34) <br />115.B3.a Windows are a very important element of building form and should be well <br />organized on a building facade to create a pattern of multiple hierarchies. <br />Non-Objective Guideline. <br />116.B3.b Windows should emphasize the vertical massing and rhythm of buildings. Non-Objective Guideline. <br />117.B3.c Windows should be well detailed and consistent with the architectural design of <br />the building. <br />Non-Objective Guideline. <br />B4. Roofs and Parapets –Development Standards (p. 35) <br />118.B4.1 All proposed multifamily development up to 40 feet in height shall provide a roof <br />sloped greater than 3-inches to 12-inches at the perimeter of the building. These <br />visible sloped roofs shall be provided at a minimum length equal to 60 percent of <br />the entire building perimeter length. <br />Modify. A standard that the <br />roof slope downward reduces <br />capacity and makes it <br />infeasible to fit high-density <br />projects on a site. <br />119.B4.2 Roof planes shall be subdivided to correspond to variations in building massing <br />using bays, gables, dormers, and strong eave elements. <br />Complies. Roof parapets <br />undulate. There are no gables <br />or dormers.