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-15 - <br />156123283.10 <br />Row Standard Compliance Analysis <br />107.B1.2 Buildings proposing frontages in excess of 180 feet in length shall provide a <br />Massing Break to reduce the perceived length of the building. <br />a.Massing Breaks shall provide a minimum clear dimension of 15 feet and a <br />minimum area of 250 square feet. <br />b.Massing Breaks shall begin at ground level and shall extend to the top of <br />structure. <br />Complies.Massing breaks are <br />provided with courtyards or <br />lobbies. In most cases there is <br />a step back. <br />B2. Building Entries –Development Standards (p. 33) <br />108.B2.1 Primary building entrance shall front on Public Streets, Internal Streets, or <br />Common Open Spaces. <br />a.Common entries shall provide a door and an entry feature such as a <br />porch, arcade, or plaza <br />b.Common entry features shall be scaled to a minimum of 10 percent of the <br />frontage width of the building. <br />Complies. The primary <br />entrance off of Stoneridge Mall <br />Road (east) is accented with <br />group usable open space <br />(plaza), accentuated entry door <br />and landscaping, which <br />comprise > 10% of the <br />frontage. <br />109.B2.2 All ground floor units located within 4 feet of grade shall provide individual unit <br />entries directly from Public Streets, Internal Streets, Paseos, or Common Open <br />Spaces. <br />a.Entries shall be provided with entry features including stoops, porches, <br />and terraces <br />b.Entry features for individual units shall be scaled to a minimum width <br />equaling 20 percent of interior unit width and a minimum depth of 5 feet. <br />c.Unit entry features located within 4 feet of grade shall be allowed to <br />encroach by a maximum of 50 percent into the required frontage setback. <br />d.Unit entry features with direct access to pedestrian walks or public <br />sidewalks shall provide a low fence, screen, or landscaping not to exceed three <br />feet in height to transition from public to private areas. <br />Modify. Same issue as Row <br />21. In addition, this standard <br />appears inconsistent with the <br />standard in Row 11 for projects <br />that incorporate Alleys. <br />B2. Building Entries –Design Guidelines (p. 33) <br />110.B2.a Entries should be the predominant feature of front facades. Larger buildings <br />should have a prominent, centralized primary building entrance. <br />Non-Objective Guideline. <br />111.B2.b Porches and balconies that face streets should be incorporated into the materials <br />and design of the building. <br />Non-Objective Guideline.