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<br /> <br />4/6 <br /> <br />provided by the screening calculator are conservative, because the calculator was developed based on <br />the 2011 version of the California Mobile EMission FACtors model (EMFAC), and EMFC has since been <br />updated to reflect lower on-road emissions. The screening health risk impacts from roadway segments <br />between 10,000 AADT and 30,000 AADT were combined with the impacts from all other sources at the <br />Project’s location, and presented in Table 1. <br />The combined impact from all the sources results in a cancer risk of 35 in 1 million, a chronic HI less <br />than 0.1, and maximum annual average PM2.5 concentrations of 0.4 µg/m3 at the Project site, as <br />shown in Table 1. These results did not take into any consideration of the Project’s building envelop <br />and any ventilation and filtration system that would further reduce the indoor air quality impacts from <br />ambient TAC concentrations. The cumulative health risk impacts would all be below the BAAQMD <br />cumulative thresholds of significance; thus, the cumulative health risk impacts associated with the <br />Project are less than significant. <br />In addition to new residential receptors, the Project would also introduce new recreational receptors <br />that would be exposed to ambient TAC concentrations in the proposed outdoor recreational spaces. <br />The Project would include four recreational spaces: two ground-level courtyards, A and B, and two <br />roof decks on the fourth and fifth levels, respectively. Courtyard A would be surrounded by buildings <br />in all four directions; Courtyard B would be surrounded by buildings in three directions and would open <br />to the drive aisle and the surface parking lot to the west. Courtyard A would be shielded from TAC <br />emission sources in the vicinity of the Project. The same buffering effect applies to Courtyard B, <br />though to a lesser extent. Vegetation planted in the Project’s setbacks and in the courtyards, such as <br />trees and shrubs, would further contribute to the pollution buffering effects, for instance, by removal <br />of ultrafine particulate matter through enhanced agglomeration and nucleation on leaves, and by <br />blockage of particulate matter from local sources.9 Although the proposed roof decks would be less <br />shielded by buildings and vegetations compared to the courtyards, they would be at least 50 feet <br />above ground. The nearest TAC emission sources to the roof decks would be mobile sources on <br />Stoneridge Mall Road, which has less than 10,000 AADT and is considered a minor impact source by <br />the BAAQMD.10 The substantial vertical distances between the rooftop receptors and the ground-level <br />TAC source would further attenuate the health risk impacts at these receptor locations. The combined <br />shielding and buffering effects of buildings and vegetation, as well as attenuation by distance, would <br />reduce the screening-level health risks presented in Table 1 for recreational receptors. <br />Further, the new recreational receptors would not have the same exposure frequency as were <br />developed for the residential receptors presented in the screening-level health risks in Table 1. It is <br />generally assumed that recreational receptors would spend time in the recreational space for up to <br />two hours a day. In contrast, residential receptors for which the health risk screening values in Table <br />were derived are assumed to spend between 72 percent and 85 percent of time at home, consistent <br />with the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment Risk Assessment Guidelines, which would <br />result in an exposure duration between 18 hours and 21 hours a day.11 The exposure duration of the <br />recreational receptor is a fraction of the exposure duration of the residential receptors. Even though <br />recreational receptors would have higher breathing rate during moderate intensity activities expected <br />in recreational spaces compared to the sedentary and light intensity activities for residential receptors, <br /> <br />9 Diener et al, 2021. How can vegetation protect us from air pollution? A critical review on green spaces' mitigation <br />abilities for air-borne particles from a public health perspective - with implications for urban planning. Science of <br />the Total Environment, Volume 796, 148605, ISSN 0048-9697, available at: <br /> 20 November. <br />10 BAAQMD, 2012. Recommended Methods for Screening and Modeling Local Risks and Hazards. May. <br />11 Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, 2015. Air Toxics Hot Spots Program, Risk Assessment <br />Guidelines, Guidance Manual for Preparation of Health Risk Assessments. February.