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<br /> <br />5/6 <br /> <br />any effect on the health risks due to an increase in pollutant intake would be offset by the limited <br />exposure frequency and duration. Therefore, the health risk impacts on the Project’s recreational <br />receptors would be lower than the screening-level health risks presented in Table 1. The BAAQMD <br />does not specify methodologies for health risks impacts on recreational receptors, nor does it <br />recommend any health risk thresholds for recreational receptors. Overall, the proposed recreational <br />receptors at the Project site would be adequately protected by the Project designs from ambient TAC <br />concentrations. <br />CLOSING <br />The HRA presented above was done consistent with the requirements of MM 4.B-4. The HRA <br />demonstrates that the Project would not expose the proposed sensitive receptors to health risks <br />impacts above the applicable BAAQMD screening thresholds. No additional health risk reduction <br />measures are required. <br />