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4. Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation Measures <br />J. Noise <br />TABLE 4.J-6 (Continued) <br />SUMMARY OF TRAFFIC NOISE MODELING RESULTS (EXISTING/EXISTING PLUS PROJECT) <br />NOISE EXPOSURE (LDN) AT 100 FEET FROM ROADWAY CENTERLINEa,b <br />General Plan Amendment and Rezonings 4.J-24 ESA / 210016 <br />Draft Supplement EIR September 2011 <br /> <br />Roadway Segment Existing (A) <br />Existing plus <br />Project (B) Change (B-A) Significant? <br />Mohr Avenue East of Santa Rita 54 51 -3 No <br />Mohr Avenue West of Santa Rita 53 50 -3 No <br />Santa Rita North of Valley 69 68 -1 No <br />Santa Rita South of Valley 67 65 -2 No <br />Valley East of Santa Rita 65 63 -2 No <br />Valley West of Santa Rita 62 61 -1 No <br />Busch North of Valley 55 57 2 No <br />Valley East of Busch 64 63 -1 No <br />Valley West of Busch 64 63 -1 No <br />I-680 NB Off-ramp North of Bernal 64 63 -1 No <br />I-680 NB Off-ramp South of Bernal 58 57 -1 No <br />Bernal East of I-680 NB offramp 66 64 -2 No <br />Bernal West of I-680 NB offramp 65 62 -3 No <br />Koll Center Drive North of Bernal 54 51 -3 No <br />Bernal East of Koll Center Drive 66 63 -3 No <br />Bernal West of Koll Center Drive 66 64 -2 No <br />Valley North of Bernal 61 60 -1 No <br />Valley South of Bernal 57 57 0 No <br />Bernal East of Valley 65 62 -3 No <br />Bernal West of Valley 66 63 -3 No <br />Santa Rita North of Stanley Boulevard 65 63 -2 No <br />Main Street South of Stanley Boulevard 58 56 -2 No <br />Stanley Boulevard East of Santa Rita 59 56 -3 No <br />Stanley Boulevard West of Santa Rita 45 41 -4 No <br />Stanley Boulevard North of Residence Driveway 63 59 -4 No <br />First Street South of Residence Driveway 59 57 -2 No <br />Stanley Boulevard West of First Street 59 56 -3 No <br />Valley North of Stanley Boulevard 65 63 -2 No <br />Bernal South of Stanley Boulevard 63 61 -2 No <br />Stanley Boulevard East of Valley 66 62 -4 No <br />Stanley Boulevard West of Valley 63 59 -4 No <br />Bernal North of Vineyard 62 60 -2 No <br />Bernal South of Vineyard 62 60 -2 No <br />Vineyard East of Bernal 61 60 -1 No <br />Bernal North of Vineyard 62 60 -2 No <br />Bernal South of Vineyard 61 59 -2 No <br />Tawny East of Bernal 53 50 -3 No