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Page 4 <br /> 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925.398.4840 <br />Roadway Segment Cumulatively <br />Significant? <br />Stoneridge Drive West of Johnson Drive Maybe <br />Hopyard Road North of Stoneridge Drive Maybe <br />Hopyard Road South of Stoneridge Drive Maybe <br />Stoneridge Drive East of Hopyard Road Maybe <br />Stoneridge Drive West of Hopyard Road Maybe <br />Fair Share Calculation <br />To determine the Project’s proportionate fair share of the total traffic on the roadway segments identified <br />in the Housing Element Supplemental EIR , the following equation was used, which is based on average <br />daily traffic (ADT) volumes:ܨܽ݅ݎ ܵℎܽݎ݁ ܲ݁ݎܿ݁݊ݐܽ݃݁ =ܲݎ݋݆݁ܿݐ ܣܦܶܥݑ݉ݑ݈ܽݐ݅ݒ݈݁ܲݑݏܲݎ݋݆݁ܿݐ ܣܦܶ <br />The PM peak hour turning movement volumes for “Cumulative Plus [10X Genomics] Project” scenario <br />in the 10X Genomics TIA were used to determine the PM peak hour roadway volumes under cumulative <br />conditions without the Stoneridge Project for the fair share analysis. The 10X Genomics’ “Cumulative <br />Plus Project” scenario volumes are shown in the Attachments. ADT volumes were projected according <br />to the standard industry practice of assuming that PM peak hour volumes are generally 10 percent of <br />the ADT volumes. Therefore, 10x factor was applied to the PM peak hour roadway volumes from the <br />10X Genomics TIA to determine Cumulative ADT volumes along the roadways. <br />To determine Stoneridge Project ADT volumes, the Project’s daily trip generation was assigned to the <br />roadway network based on the projected trip distribution further described below. Project ADT volumes <br />for each roadway were applied to the numerator in the equation above. To determine the denominator, <br />Project ADT volumes were added to the Cumulative ADT volumes derived from the 10X Genomics TIA. <br />D.2022 STONERIDGE RESIDENTIAL PROJECT <br />Based on the methodology described above, the following presents the analysis and results of the fair <br />share determination. <br />Project Trip Generation and Trip Distribution <br />As shown in the previous section, the Project generates 1,710 daily trips, 113 AM peak hour trips, and <br />104 PM peak hour trips. The Project trip distribution was based on volume patterns along Stoneridge <br />Mall Road, locations of complementary uses, the Workday Transportation Assessment, and the <br />Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) travel demand forecast model freeway volumes <br />for the year 2020. This travel demand forecast model shows regional travel patterns in Alameda County <br />and is a good indicator of where vehicle trips are coming from and going to on the freeway system (i.e. <br />I-580 and I-680). The following is the anticipated trip distribution for the Project: