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Page 14 <br /> 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925.398.4840 <br />156380685.4 <br />direction (i.e leaving the garage) as well as the south parking garage access in the southbound direction <br />(i.e leaving the garage). It should be noted that although congestion occurs along Stoneridge Mall Road <br />in the southbound direction, east of the north parking garage access, the “Keep Clear” legend allows <br />for vehicles to exit the site and make an eastbound left turn onto Stoneridge Mall Road without resulting <br />in any eastbound queues extending into Drive Aisle A and into the garage access. For vehicles wanting <br />to make an eastbound right-turn onto Stoneridge Mall Road and travel in the southbound direction, it is <br />expected that these vehicles will redirect to use Drive Aisle B to exit the site as a way to by-pass the <br />southbound congestion along Stoneridge Mall Road. Therefore, the congestion along Stoneridge Mall <br />Road is not expected to result in extensive inbound and outbound queues at the north parking garage <br />access. In additional, minimal congestion occurs adjacent to the south parking garage access along <br />Stoneridge Mall Road (south), and therefore also results in minimal inbound and outbound queues at <br />the south parking garage access. <br />F.SITE CIRCULATION <br />As shown in the site plan,Attachment A, the Project will have three driveways; the east driveway is <br />located at the main drive aisle just south of the existing Sears parking garage, the southeast driveway <br />is located approximately 340 feet west of the intersection of Stoneridge Mall Road and Workday Day <br />and provides direct access to the parking garage, and the southwest driveway is located at the main <br />drive aisle and is approximately 515 feet west of the intersection of Stoneridge Mall Road and Workday <br />Day. The Project will close off seven (7) existing driveways between the intersection of Stoneridge Mall <br />Road and Workday Day and the Project driveways. <br />The proposed layout would include two drive aisles. The first drive aisle, Drive Aisle A, is an east-west <br />roadway that consist of the existing drive aisle south of the existing Sears parking lot. The alignment of <br />the roadway will be modified slightly when approaching the existing all-way stop controlled intersection <br />and to the existing Macy’s store. Drive Aisle A will provide access to both the Project’s parking garage <br />and the facilities for the Stoneridge Retail Project. The second drive aisle, Drive Aisle B, is a north- <br />south roadway that begins at the southwest project driveway and extent north towards the all-way stop <br />control intersection. These drive aisles provide access to the entry plaza where the primary garage <br />entrance, leasing office, and loading zones are located. <br />Sidewalks and pedestrian pathways are provided along the perimeter of the Project site with a total of <br />six (6) access points to the lobby or courtyard. Along north-south and east-west Stoneridge Mall Road, <br />a total of three access points is provided for the lobby. Drive Aisle A has a pedestrian access to the <br />lobby and Drive Aisle B has a pedestrian access to the courtyard. Access to the lobby is also provided <br />through the entry plaza, near the leasing office. Bicyclist may also access the Project using the same <br />entry/exit points as pedestrians. In addition, a bicycle storage and repair station are located on the <br />ground floor within the parking garage.