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Page 3 <br /> 4637 Chabot Drive, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 925.398.4840 <br />156380685.4 <br />2009 General Plan EIR <br />On July 21, 2009, the City of Pleasanton adopted the Pleasanton General Plan Update 2005–2025, <br />after certification of the Pleasanton General Plan Update 2005–2025 Environmental Impact Report <br />(EIR) (State Clearinghouse Number 205122139). The EIR evaluated the impacts of “buildout of the <br />proposed General Plan, not just the incremental difference between . . . buildout of the existing General <br />Plan and the buildout of the proposed General Plan.” Accordingly, the 2009 EIR addressed the impacts <br />of full buildout at Stoneridge Mall. Specifically, the 2009 EIR’s traffic model included 1,137,500 then- <br />existing square feet of retail uses, future small expansions of each of the major retailers at the mall <br />(around 30,000 square feet each) and the 353,500-square foot expansion allowed by the Development <br />Agreement. The General Plan imposed mitigation measures consisting of traffic improvements that <br />were needed to address buildout, and the City has since incorporated all applicable traffic <br />improvements into its traffic impact fee program. Accordingly, payment of current traffic fees will <br />establish compliance with the General Plan EIR mitigation measures. <br />2012 Housing Element and Climate Action Plan Supplemental EIR <br />In connection with its 2012 Housing Element Update and Climate Action Plan, the City supplemented <br />the General Plan EIR with a Supplemental EIR that was certified in 2012. The 2012 Supplemental EIR <br />addressed the impacts of additional housing proposed by its 2012 Housing Element and the City’s <br />Climate Action Plan. The 2012 Supplemental EIR concluded that buildout of the 2005-2025 General <br />Plan had been adequately studied in the 2009 EIR, with the exception of sites identified for additional <br />housing, and the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions. <br />The 2012 Housing Element Update identified nine locations to accommodate for future housing <br />developments in the City, which were concurrently rezoned to PUD- Mixed Use, and which are shown <br />in Figure 1. Site 27 consists of two portions of the Stoneridge Mall; one section is located on the <br />northwest side of the mall and the other on the southeast side. The northwest portion is approximately <br />1 acre and the southeast section is approximately 9 acres. The Housing Element Development <br />Standards and Design Guidelines, which were adopted by the City shortly after it adopted its 2012 <br />Housing Element, establish a minimum and maximum density of 40 dwelling units per acre for Site 27, <br />which equates to 40 units for the northwest section and 360 units for the southeast sites, and therefore <br />has a combined estimated potential for 400 residential units. <br />The development at Stoneridge Mall included in the traffic model for the 2012 Supplemental EIR <br />consisted of existing developments, the expansion of 353,000 square feet of commercial uses allowed <br />by the Development Agreement, and the 400 multifamily housing units that were proposed for certain <br />areas of the Stoneridge Mall by the 2012 Housing Element. <br />The 2012 Supplemental EIR determined that only two significant and unavoidable impacts would result <br />from adding the proposed overall housing throughout the City to the future baseline traffic (future <br />baseline traffic included the 353,500 square-foot expansion at Stoneridge Mall). Those two impacts <br />involved worsening already unacceptable traffic congestion on Sunol Boulevard (First Street) between <br />Vineyard Avenue and Stanley Boulevard; and on Hopyard Road between Owens Drive and I-580. The <br />City found these impacts significant and unavoidable, and overridden by the benefits of the Housing <br />Element.