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Ramboll - Stoneridge Mall Residential Project <br />158850326.2 <br />2/11 <br />Confidential <br />1. Introduction <br />The Stoneridge Mall Residential Project (Project) would consist of 360 multi-family units in a four- and <br />five-story building with an attached parking structure on a 6-acre site. The site is currently a parking lot <br />that services the existing Stoneridge Mall. Ramboll understands that the Project must comply with the <br />Mitigation Measures (MM) in the City’s 2012 Housing Element Supplemental Environmental Impact Report <br />(SEIR). <br />This report details the study conducted to assess the Project’s adherence to select noise-related mitigation <br />measures (specifically MM 4.J-2, MM4.J-5c, and MM 4.J-6a) from the SEIR certified by the City of <br />Pleasanton in connection with its 2012 Housing Element and Climate Action Plan. The 2022 Stoneridge <br />Residential Project site is one of the rezoning sites for which the impacts of residential development were <br />studied in that SEIR. <br />2. Assessment of Project’s Potential Construction Vibration Impacts on <br />Neighboring Sensitive Uses (MM 4.J-2) <br />Pursuant to the referenced SEIR, specifically the prescribed Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, <br />the following is a condition of approval for the subject project. <br />MM 4.J-2 – The City shall require developers on the potential sites for rezoning to conduct a <br />vibration study which will estimate vibration levels at neighboring sensitive uses, and if <br />required, provide mitigation efforts needed to satisfy the applicable construction vibration <br />level limit established in Table 4.J-4. It is expected that vibration mitigation for all project <br />sites will be reasonable and feasible. <br />The construction vibration assessment estimated potential vibration levels at neighboring sensitive uses <br />(i.e., residences) due to expected construction activities associated with the development of the Project. <br />The assessment is based on typical vibration levels for construction equipment and activities as provided <br />by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Estimated construction-related vibration levels were <br />evaluated against criteria outlined in the referenced SEIR. <br />Project-related construction vibration was evaluated using methods identified in the FTA guidance <br />document. Ground-borne vibration generated by construction equipment is commonly evaluated by the <br />maximum rate or velocity of particle movement, referred to as the peak particle velocity (PPV), typically <br />measured in inches per second (in/sec). Except for pile-driving activities and blasting, most construction <br />activities typically range from between approximately 0.003 PPV and 0.21 PPV, when measured at 25 feet <br />from the source. Vibration levels for typical construction equipment are shown in Table 1.