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Resolution No. PC-2023-06 <br />Page Twenty-Three <br /> <br /> <br />The City is located in Zone 7, and its storm drain pipe network is considered a secondary facility. <br />Any connections to, additions, or upgrades to the City’s pipe network shall be designed in <br />accordance with the manual. Calculations submitted for review/approval shall be presented in a <br />format consistent with the “Calculation Form – District Rational Method” available in the manual. <br />The calculations shall demonstrate adequate freeboard given the design storm event assuming <br />all bioretention areas are overflowing. Said calculations shall be prepared, stamped, and signed <br />by a California-licensed civil engineer. (Address this condition prior to plan approval) <br /> <br />72. EMERGENCY OVERLAND STORMWATER FLOW/SUMP PROPERTIES: All properties shall be <br />designed with an emergency overland flow path to direct storm runoff to the nearest public street <br />or open flood control facility in the event on-site pipes become plugged. The flow path shall be <br />lower than the finish floor elevation of all habitable structures. The flow path cannot rely on <br />neighboring properties unless a storm drain easement across the neighbor is obtained. Sump <br />properties must be designed to discharge the 50-year recurrence interval storm event through the <br />pipe network before habitable structures become inundated. (Address this condition prior to plan <br />approval) <br /> <br />73. SANITARY SEWER DESIGN STANDARDS: Connections to the City’s sanitary sewer network <br />shall conform to Pleasanton Municipal Code Title 15 “Sewerage”. All buildings inhabited by <br />human beings which are not more than approximately 250 feet from the City’s sewer network <br />shall be connected. All premises, parcels, and/or lots shall have independent connections to the <br />City’s sewer network except under the following conditions: <br />a. If a private on-site treatment system has been authorized by both the City and Alameda <br />County Department of Environmental Health. <br />b. If multiple premises are located on a single parcel or lot which cannot be subdivided and <br />are all under one ownership. <br /> <br />Public sanitary sewer system shall be designed to satisfy the following minimum standards: <br />a. Minimum Manning Coefficient (n) within the pipe = approximately 0.013 <br />b. Minimum flow velocity = approximately two feet per second at least once per day <br />c. Maximum flow velocity = approximately 10 feet per second <br />d. Maximum depth of flow to pipe diameter (d/D) = approximately 0.75 for dry weather flow <br />conditions <br />e. Minimum pipe sizes: Laterals = approximately four inches diameter; Main = approximately <br />eight inches diameter; Force main = approximately six inches diameter <br />f. Minimum slope per table: <br />Approximate pipe size in diameter Minimum slope <br />4 inches 0.02 (lateral) <br />6 inches 0.005 (lateral) <br />8 inches 0.003 <br />10 inches 0.0025 <br />12 inches 0.0020 <br />15 inches or larger 0.0015 <br /> <br />g. Maximum manhole spacing = approximately 350 feet <br />h. Minimum curvature for curved sewer mains: approximately 200 feet or not less than <br />recommended by pipe manufacturer <br />i. Minimum pipe cover = approximately five feet <br />j. Peaking factor shall be Peak Wet Weather Flow divided by Average Dry Weather <br />k. flow (PF = PWWF/ADWF). Referring to the City’s Wastewater Master Plan from August <br />2007, PF shall be the average of the three events shown on Table 4.5 “Inflow and