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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />Final EIR Errata <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 3-6 <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/EIR/4 - Final EIR/21480022 Sec03-00 Errata.docx <br />Impacts Mitigation Measures Level of Significance After Mitigation <br />and nursery sites. The BRA shall develop and define prescriptive and site- <br />specific measures reducing potential impacts to a less than significant level. <br />These measures shall be included as conditions of approval for the project <br />and be incorporated into building and grading permits issues issued for <br />demolition and construction. If a water feature is found to be jurisdictional <br />or potentially jurisdictional, the applicant shall comply with the appropriate <br />permitting process with each agency claiming jurisdiction prior to <br />disturbance of the water feature. <br />The project applicant or sponsor shall ensure that, if development of habitat <br />occupied by special-status species, migratory or nesting birds must occur as <br />determined by a qualified Biologist/ and/or Wetland Regulatory Specialist, <br />species impacts shall be avoided or minimized, and, if required by a <br />regulatory agency or the CEQA process, loss of wildlife habitat or individual <br />plants shall be fully compensated on a site. If on-site mitigation is not <br />feasible in the City’s or regulatory agency’s discretion, it shall occur within <br />the City of Pleasanton Planning Area whenever possible, with a priority given <br />to existing habitat mitigation banks. Habitat mitigation shall be accompanied <br />by a long-term management plan and monitoring program prepared by a <br />qualified Biologist and include provisions for protection of mitigation lands in <br />perpetuity through the establishment of easements and adequate funding <br />for maintenance and monitoring; the time frame for the funding shall be <br />detailed in the long-term management plan and monitoring program <br />completed prior to disturbance of occupied habitator water feature. <br />Section 3.6—Geology and Soils <br />Impact GEO-6: Development consistent with the <br />Housing Element Update, rezonings, and General Plan <br />Specific Plan Amendments could directly or indirectly <br />destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or <br />unique geologic feature. <br />MM GEO-6: A professional paleontologist, approved by the City of <br />Pleasanton, shall conduct a site-specific paleontological resources survey on <br />the potential sites for rezoning. <br />If any of the potential sites for rezoning are found to be underlain by older <br />Quaternary deposits, or any other soil with the potential to contain <br />vertebrate fossils due to their high paleontological sensitivity for significant <br />resources, applicants, owners and/or sponsors of all future development or <br />construction projects shall be required to perform or provide paleontological <br />monitoring, if recommended by the qualified paleontologist. Should <br />significant paleontological resources (e.g., bones, teeth, well-preserved plant <br />Less than significant impact with <br />mitigation incorporated.