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City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update <br />Final EIR Errata <br /> <br /> <br />FirstCarbon Solutions 3-1 <br /> Documents/Publications/Client (PN-JN)/2148/21480022/EIR/4 - Final EIR/21480022 Sec03-00 Errata.docx <br />SECTION 3: ERRATA <br />The following are revisions to the Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (Draft Program EIR) <br />for the City of Pleasanton 2023-2031 (6th Cycle) Housing Element Update. These revisions are minor <br />modifications and clarifications to the document, and do not change the significance of any of the <br />environmental issue conclusions within the Draft Program EIR. The revisions are listed by page <br />number. All additions to the text are underlined (underlined) and all deletions from the text are <br />stricken (stricken). <br />3.1 - Clarifications, Minor Revisions, and Changes in Response to Specific <br />Comments <br />Executive Summary <br />Pages ES-10 through ES-13, ES-17 and ES-18, ES-21, ES-22, and ES-25, Table ES-1: Executive <br />Summary Matrix <br />To fix typographical errors, provide clarity, and specify timing with respect to implementation of <br />mitigation measures, MM AIR-1a, MM AIR-1b, MM BIO-1, MM GEO-6, MM HAZ-2, MM NOI-1, MM <br />NOI-2, and MM TRANS-2 have been revised. These revisions are minor modifications, and do not <br />change the analysis or significance of any of the environmental issue conclusions within the Draft <br />Program EIR.